On Heels or Light?

High-heel adorns a woman - it is accepted in many cultures of the world.


Each little girl dreams about how one day will grow and dress shoes on heels. Each festive or evening outfit is accompanied by a pair of elegant heels. Every woman, even the one who does not respect heels the way all inveterate women of fashion do, still keeps a pair of heels, just in case.

The image of a beautiful woman in many "civilized" countries is accompanied by high-heeled shoes, and the variety of this design that raises the heel is off the charts.


The heel has existed since ancient times and originally appeared as a necessary practical addition to shoes (for example, in Egypt and Japan). And as a fashion whim that contradicts convenience, appeared in Europe only a few centuries ago and was initially recognized only as a feature of the male toilet.

However, women quickly appreciated the advantage of a new height and now life "on stiletto heels" dictates a new image and ... new physical limitations.

The theme of this post was born on a weekday morning when I went to work in my usual way through an inspired field, and the discomfort of my body, which I decided to put on my high-heels that day, led me to an analysis of the sensations and further reflections that found expression in this article.


So, I'm on a flat sole: I go lightly, swiftly; everything that is happening around me is interesting, because I can look around, and not necessarily at my feet; I am confident in myself, because I stand firmly on my feet and feel the support - the ground; I can go anywhere, not just where there is a flat asphalt; I'm sure that I look natural, because maybe I'm not perfect on high-heels, but I know how to walk exactly.


When I'm on the high-heels : I step hesitantly and cautiously, since the high-heel is not a stable construction, and even look like a fractious horse, that will throw off my heel and turn my ankle (not only does this look very clumsy from the side, it's also very painful). For the same reason, 90% of the way I look at my feet: I did not stumble, do not tuck my leg, do not get stuck anywhere with a high-heel ...

Of all the self-confidence there is only half - I seem to accompany myself in imaginary showcases, I see if I'm going straight, whether I look awkward.

And every curb, steps to the bus, escalator gangway becomes a real obstacle and requires maximum concentration for successful overcoming.

This is my personal experience, which cannot categorically coincide with what you feel, my dear readers. I just compared the feelings of myself as a bipedal creature on the high-heels and without.

And objectively with the body on the heels occurs the following.

Visually, the heel extends the leg, increases growth and lifts the buttocks, thanks to the lifting of the back surface of the foot.

However, in addition to visual, the high-heel has a lot of "side effects":

  • Redistribution of body weight. Long wearing of shoes with high heels can lead to painful sensations and the subsequent coarsening of the foot pad.

  • A high heel changes posture so that the hips and spine leave with one straight line

  • In high heels, it is more difficult to balance, increase the risk of falling, passing the ankles and other injuries.

  • A high heel causes constant irritation in the area of ​​the heel, and combination with the strap leads to inflammation of the joint bag, which is between the skin of the heel and the Achilles tendon

  • the toe of the foot falls below the level of the heel, the calf muscle contracts and the Achilles tendon tightens, causing pain in the heel.

  • the higher the high-heel is, the greater the tension of the gastrocnemius muscle. The muscles are shortened and compacted.

  • a change in the position of the body on the heel causes an increased load on the inner surface of the knee, which in women is the place most susceptible to osteochondrosis.

The visual image off high-heel effects

The famous phrase: Beauty requires sacrifice! But is it beauty if in the future it leads to serious herbs? And did we agree to such sacrifices for her?

I do not urge you, dear ladies, to abandon the subtle graceful silhouettes, but I suggest you love yourself healthy more, than yourself on high-heels.

Eliminate the high-heeled from the list of casual shoes - let it become a shoe for short evening promenades or evenings that do not involve long walks.

After taking off your high-heels, pamper your feet with a warm bath - this will restore blood circulation and soothe the surface tissues.


I have friends who say that it is more convenient for them on a high-heels than on a low ones. The most difficult thing is that this "more convenient" becomes with time "convenient only on the high-heels" ...

What do you think about this study? How do you feel about shoes with heels, whether it's your shoes or your girl's shoes?

Share your thoughts in the comments, because I'm very interested in your attitude, as representatives of the most advanced part of the planet – Steemians!

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