The world's only touring Chocolate Exhibition comes to my home!

Dear Steemit, today we're off to a new place and with that a new experience. I hope there are some chocolate lovers out there, like many girls, I'm big into chocolates, they are one of my favourite "foods".

As it happens, one of the all time greats of chocolate making - Nikolya popov opened his chocolate museum exhibition in Xi'an. I didn't even know about the exhibition at first, I was just shopping in the area and stumbled across an interesting advert. I was really curious about the exhibition so I immediately made my way there..

All pictures below other than those marked with sources are of my own photography

Firstly, I received my own personalised logo T-shirt! Isn't it cute?^^

“The Chocolate Exhibition of Nikolya” presents over 700 pure chocolate art pieces. There are chocolate and marzipan sculptures, pictures painted with white and dark chocolate, chocolate miniatures, installations and compositions with a total weight of over 1500 kilograms.

There are also some events charity events during the exhibition. Children from orphanages were invited to come see the exhibition as well as try many chocolates!

As I went inside the exhibition, the special smell of chocolate was hard to ignore, it practically filled the whole place. I guess with chocolate everywhere that's to be expected! The feeling being among so much chocolate was hard to put into words, but one thing I knew for sure was my mouth watering at the sight of all that tasty chocolate!

The Shiniest Chocolate

In the entire exhibition, this Czar crown stood out as being the most brilliantly shiny piece. Nikolya used various coloured chocolates as the pearls to decorate. All of the work is extremely detailed, the texture must have taken a very long time to get just right! On the left crown, you can see the gold circling around the whole crown. It looks so real !


Nikolya was once a student in France's chocolate institute of art. He spent 20 years perfecting his art form using Chocolate as his medium of expression. Looking at the chocolate crowns, you can see he's refined this skillful art to true mastery. ^^

The Most Spectacular Chocolate

As I went around the exhibition, one piece caught my eye for how spectacular it looked. Of course, it was none other than the Eiffel Tower. I stand next to it for a photo to show how big it is!

The chocolate Eiffel tower is over 2m Tall. Nikolya and his team spent 2 weeks creating the mold and it's subsections, then a further 2 weeks putting it together.

I was quite surprised as to how study the structure of the Chocolate Eiffel tower was, even in room temperature, it hasn't shown any signs of weakness due to melting.

My Favourite Chocolate

When I caught eye of this White Chocolate Grand piano, I thought it was just absolutely beautiful. On the keys, there is even a chocolate rose. How romantic! It's hard to believe that it weighs a total of 45kg!

The Cutest Chocolate

These are chocolate Easter eggs. On them, Nikolya has painted some Chinese style drawings. My favourite is the Panda mommy kissing the panda baby. The egg beside it has a picture of a Panda in bamboo forest enjoying eating the bamboo.

The tastiest Sketches

After seeing these chocolate sketches, I felt like going home and making my own chocolate works of art, I guess that might be a waste of food though.. = =
Ladies infront of the Eiffel Tower

Ancient Chinese Lady hiding her face with a fan!

Fashionable Maiden!

Tabby Patterned Elephant^^

The most artistic Zebra!

I love this Tiger (big cat), its like his fur is 3D and sticking out!

Chocolate Fruits, probably very sweet!

"Kawaii" (Japanese for cute) Hello Kitty ^^

Handbag, Make up, and High Heels^^

With so many pieces in the exhibition, it's hard to fit it all into one post, so I will be posting another one soon! Finally, I wish everybody a sweet day! :)


“ Nikolya的巧克力展” 展出了700余件高品质巧克力艺术作品,共使用纯巧克力、杏仁等原料1500多公斤。展览期间还会举办一些公益性的活动,“例如让孤儿院的孩子来参观展览并品尝我们做的巧克力。”

看到这些象是素描的巧克力画作,我也很想回家拿巧克力作为颜料作画啦,不过有点浪费食物= =

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