Despite what anyone might tell you, there is SO much to see in Guadalajara (GDL)! Before taking this tour, we had only explored on foot and thought it would be nice to take a proper tour around the city. The GDL metropolis is much too large to explore solely via Uber and, well...our walking shoes were complaining a bit at this point.
We paid $150 pesos each ($8.26) and borded this huge double-decker Tapatío Tour bus. It would take us to see sights of Guadalajara, Tonalá, Tlaquepaque, and Zapopan.
This tour company had busses stopping at each city about once per hour which allowed us to spend as much (or as little) time in each place as we wanted. It was incredibly hard to ration our time in each location. Each spot felt like it had such a grand story to tell, though we were afraid that the next town might not get a sufficient share of our day.
Hopefully, we captured the essence of each of these delightful places. We think you'll enjoy this video but we're always trying to improve, so let us know if you have any suggestions!
Watch the full video below:
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Check out @wadepaterson's 20 Questions with TangerineTravels.

@sharingeverybite (Maddie)
@shenanigator (Jordan)
(and Laska the Siberian Husky)