STEEM-Bitshares-All Cryptocurrency: Unity Is Needed

It is heartbreaking to see some of what is going on. There is so much promise in our industry if we do not screw it up. Already, we are seeing the signs that we are sabotaging ourselves.

Now is the time to think bigger than oneself. Yes, we are in an arena that can offer us great riches. In fact, I feel that anyone who is earnest about cryptocurrency at this point, is going to do very well in that regard. However, there is something much bigger.

We all watched the 8 month onslaught on cryptocurrency pricing. Does anyone believe that was haphazard or just due to market forces? It was an orchestrated attack on something the establishment deems very dangerous to their power structure.

Now we see the censorship taking place by the mega-tech companies. Again, this is another concerted attack on those who speak out against what they are doing. Whether we like what some of these individuals are saying does not matter. What is important is their right to say it without having their platforms taken away. This is a very dangerous road the elites are leading us down.


There is a lot to be excited about. The unleashing of crypto-economics is going to change the world. This is why the establishment is so threatened. The only thing that can stop us is our own ignorance and stupidity. If we keep behaving the way we always did, the Age of Abundance will be further out of reach. Bear in mind it is not something that can be stopped but it can be delayed.

The cryptocurrency world is filled with greed, envy, anger, and childish behavior. We see a lot of backstabbing. This is something that is going to destroy us. We cannot let it happen.

Make no mistake about it, the forces we are up against, even though threatened, are united. While they are greedy, this is what unites them. They are not about to let their structure of corruption crumble. Since it is so well established, any weakness will be exploited.

What is at stake? Quite simply the immediate future of humanity. Some might say this is a bit dramatic but if one is paying attention, we are at a crossroads. We are blessed to been given crypto-economics at a time when the elites are out to destroy as many jobs as they can. They are also working on AI systems that, if they control, will be horrific for humanity. Decentralization is at the core of what we need to offset all this.

And here we are fighting over petty stuff that, on the grand scale, means very little. The in-fighting will only lead to them using it against us. One of their major weapons is divide and conquer. Ironic that, in this instance, they are not the ones doing it. We are doing it to ourselves.

Unity is called for. The masses are completely unaware of what is taking place. We know that they will be the last to know. It does not take the majority to make major shifts. In fact, a fair portion of the world lives in relative comfort meaning they are not likely to do anything until it is too late. The warning signs are there but they are too busy with the Bachelor or Dancing With the Stars to notice. The next recession could be a huge wake-up call for the west, something the east is already starting to realize even with things not going south economically.

We have a large part of the solution right before us. The question is can we be trusted with it. As long the cryptocurrency community is mired in greed, we are going to have problems. This is something that we need to overcome. It is because of this fear that the elites can control us. We do most of the sabotaging ourselves.

There are tokens popping up everywhere. We already have access to more money than at any other time in human history. There is a few hundred billion dollars in cryptocurrency out there with more being released each day. Even at these early stages, the shift should be apparent to everyone. Yet, we still behave according to the scarcity model. Instead of lifting each other up, there is a core part of this world that spends their time putting others down.

We see this on STEEM. The problems on Bitshares are well known. EOS is starting to follow the same path. Bitcoin is nothing but a cluster-fork of disagreements and squabbling. On and on it goes.

If we truly want change, we need to alter our ways. Discussion and disagreement over things is healthy, especially if it leads to positive suggestions for moving forward. However, the belittling and backstabbing out of greed, ego, and fear is very unhealthy. It will only serve to further the cause of the elites.



We have been giving a very powerful gun yet instead aiming outward, we are turning and firing upon ourselves.

How much sense does that make?

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