WIS: Impossible is the Word in the Lunatic's Dictionary...( Mixed Content )

=People are very disappointed and think only on themselves. In that way, the door of joint acting in business is closed.
=People's moral is on very low level;
=The Wealth goes to politically mighty persons, so being politician is the only option of success,...
=Rich people act in closed circles and not willingly accept new persons because they assume them their competition. Their goal is to pay capable people and keep them for themselves...;


Does this all indicate that our path of success should consist of:



This is a trap because it is difficult to get money in a dishonest way, as evidenced by numerous examples. Unfair activities will not get the right value, it's actually an illusion.
Of course, there are successful people whose business is not based on immoral principles. It's okay to cooperate with politicians in many things, that's all right on the road to success.

But are we interested in how, as ordinary and small people, we are making progress in this world ?
I'll give you a sequence of steps that can help you a lot:

=Make a work plan for each day;
Take the time to learn (books, courses, seminars, conversations with successful people, dvd-mates, etc.);
=Define your goal and work on its realization every day;
=Find the same people, because your allies are welcomed;
=Keep track of your development and progress, correct mistakes and go on to the goal;
=Do not give up when there are obstacles, maybe the solution is right behind the first corner;
=Be grateful for all that is happening to you, because both good and bad consequences point to the quality of our work and life, you are always looking for the right solution, because for every situation it really exists;
=Be constantly creative and in a good mood, because the positives attract a positive one;
=Believe in yourself and what you do, because the time in this case certainly works for you.


As for the second account, it relates to the spiritual aspect of your life:

Investing in a spiritual account brings a lasting value;Spirituality, in my opinion, means being better than the previous self;

If we work on ourselves and into the outside world, we project love, tolerance, honesty, empathy, sincerity, good intentions - then we will get it in return from the outside world.
It always pays to be good and spiritual, because when people experience us as moral persons, then they want to help us and work with us. Also, the law of attraction acts on positive thoughts and emotions that we project to others and the universe. What our thoughts are like our life (the words of one monk) - we project our reality to our happiness with our thoughts. We are 100% responsible for our lives, we are responsible or guilty of everything that happens to us. If we work on ourselves, it always pays off and start as soon as possible.


Questions arise:
Do you only invest in one or both accounts?
How much time do you invest in working on yourself and accumulating funds on your accounts?

Find the right balance of your life and then many things will change for the better.

( To be Continued )

Humble Episode from "The Wealth is Success" by Dr.Great Success


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