The Hive. General update. SBI, Witness.

The Hive

Howdy folks'.
Getting a bit ahead of myself maybe. Or maybe, I am catching up. I fear being too arrogant in my ambitions. Bringing up what I would like at every opportunity, in every discussion. Maybe that is what is needed to be done. Maybe I should be in peoples faces more, in the direction I take and not rely on an organic growth.

We had our first contest, it got good reviews too. Maybe I made this one too easy for some.
We have also added a couple of witness to our vote. I have not added the names yet to our posts. I have in mind something I might try before adding those names to the witness list we vote to.

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As you may have noticed, I have a strong focus on growing The Hive community, I can only state my intention as now. We are growing though and with this growth is what will show our own commitment even when the rewards are low. Each new interesting (although that can be said sarcastically), I like the theory or similar comments to these I hear. Encourages me to be more vocal and share my theories with others.

I do notice there is a massive number of stairs we have to climb on this staircase. If we do not climb one step today, we still have them all to climb tomorrow. I do not think this type of project can succeed with just us and our investment, it will take the work of a few generations at least I would think. Everyday we wait is another stair we have to climb tomorrow. Eventually it begins to look fruitless. Taking no steps we burden those not yet born with a greater task. I have over time heard time and time again. "I would do anything for my children". Would you reduce their reliance on the increasing need for finance? Reducing those costs is what I and those who support believe can be done. Establishing an Entitlement of Standards to replace some of the financial burden with choice and opportunity.

We are not against any other method of change. We believe a project like The Hive can long term provide support and reduce the need for some relief projects.

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We held a contest YAY! The results came in quick, less than a day. We do have six entries now which will use up the rewards. You may still enjoy doing the word search for fun. The first six entries are from @onefatindian @bashadow @poyim @mimismartypants @newbiegames @gmatthe2
Gratulations to each of you, One S.B.I. will be heading to you soon.

While I touch on the S.B.I. Our vote from the S.B.I is at around the 0.10c mark. The interest in using this promotion seems to be limited. Instead of holding the Steem for this. I am going to use the liquid Steem or SBD to fund itself from that vote. Each post made I will check the value of the vote from the S.B.I. and work an approximation of the reward when the curator reward is removed. I will then add that amount of Steem to the savings and let it accumulate. This Steem takes three days to return to the account as liquid. Rewards from posts will be used to purchase the S.B.I. whenever possible to speed the process. In this manner, It may slow the process on speed of the S.B.I. transaction. It will begin paying for itself though. releasing some Steem/SBD for use in promotion and growth for the community.

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We have added a couple of names to our witness for Steemit. @yabapmatt @steemgigs @guiltyparties @steemcommunity @c0ff33a and @sapphic These are all witness who are active in the circles I find myself in. Given time we will form our own opinion. For right now, they are the ones I hear of and their praises sang out often. While we are small we do carry 14 other small proxy votes with us too. @derangedvisions is also a witness there. He has combined his witness with @c0ff33a

I am thinking about the design on the base of the page and do not want to be continuously updating the credits. I think it could look a little better than it does, design appearance. Though I am not sure what I have in mind will work. We can but try.


You are welcome to join our Discord Server at

Some other groups I invite you to take a look at are:
The @IFC Discord group:
The @cryptoempire Discord Server:
The @asapers Discord Server:
The @buddyup Discord Server:
The @steemitramble Discord Server:

The Hive witness vote has been given to
@danielsaori @yehey @pharesim @yabapmatt @steemcommunity @enginewitty @jackmiller
All these witness have come at the recommendation of
Jan23com to the The Hive.
They do not reflect the opinions of individual members of the group or the group as a whole.

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All the Hive Logo's and Banners graphics are provided exclusively

This account is protected by @dustsweeper

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