Why Caring What Other People Think About You Will Crush Your Dreams.


This one is a HUGE dream killer, how many of us do not express ourselves honestly for fear of what others will think? How many of us are putting on a mask which hides our deepest desires, our real thoughts and ideas, and who we truly are on a soul level? I would say the vast majority of the Planet have this mental schism, I used to have it myself. I love the David Icke quote 'The greatest prison people live in is the fear of what others think about them' and never has a truer sentence been spoken. Many of us will go through our lives trying to impress people that not only do we not care about, but oftentimes they don't really care about us either!

We are all trying to fit into this sheep pen not realising that there are acres of open fields that lay beyond! We police each other, the so-called 'powers that be' don't even have to do that anymore because anyone who thinks outside of the box is called a weirdo, nerd, or conspiracy theorist and therefore outcasted from the rest of the sheep. There is something within the human psyche that needs to feel accepted by everyone else, the need not to be excluded in a sense. I guess its natural to want to be liked, although for myself I really couldn't care less these days. I think that 6 years of speaking unpopular truths and several smear campaigns have beaten that out of me! On the flip side, what that has given me is absolute total freedom to express who I really am, that has enabled me to feel as though I am living my true purpose now because its no holds barred.


The ironic thing about caring about what people think that makes it such a complete waste of time is that you can never in a million years control their opinion! Ok you can put up a facade of being a certain person that may get you some friends, but then you aren't being authentic, you're essentially living a lie. Most people are so full of emotional baggage, unhealed traumas, stress, and other issues that even if there is nothing not to like in your character then they will find something! That's because most people project their pain onto others

In the early days in my own life I couldn't tell you the amount of time and energy wasted on trying to please and be accepted by others, even at school I was desperate to get in with the 'in crowd' which never really worked either! I have to say again the emotional work I have done on myself has helped tremendously. Wanting to be liked by everyone is a self-love and self-worth issue, or lack thereof. If you don't really value yourself then you're going to be looking constantly for others to validate you. This is what we see so much on social media, many people who have very little self-love attempting to get it through dopamine hits on Facebook likes.

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Self-love isn't an overnight thing for most of us, it takes hard work and a lot of healing to get there, even if we have had relatively good childhoods. But again this quick fix society is constantly looking for shortcuts to the inconvenient work of doing the self-healing which will essentially bring them what they want if they are committed and determined enough to walk that path through to the end. I see this in my own sessions I run, there are two types of people. One group who are 100% committed and see the process out until the end which can take many months, and then of course, reap the rewards, and others that give it lip service then give up after a few weeks. They then wonder why they still have
issues in their life that won't go away.

The equation is simple self love=not caring what others think=freedom to live an authentic life=in line with purpose. I always wonder this, why would you want to be liked by most people anyway? I mean look at what folk believe in? They put more importance on getting drunk, eating junk food, and sporting events. The level of consciousness on this Planet
is so low right now that nobody should be aspiring to follow the herd, because the herd is essentially heading over a cliff face!


Even something like fashion boggles the mind, why on Earth would you want to look like everyone else? It makes no sense, we are supposed to be individuals who are expressing their individuality not trying to copy each other. I think it looks horrendous that other people try and copy how each other look! No, I say be authentically you, and walk out of the prison cell you have put yourself in.

Tony Sayers

Love, care, courage.

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