Rambling Thoughts: MBC Charter (near final draft) release; My Crypto Portfolio, Prior to KIN Token buy-in...

MBC CHARTER of "Ladders" (late draft)

Here's what we've came up with so far, I spit out a very rough outline and the Captains have fleshed it out and I made a few addendums. We will work with this towards final approval but most of us have had input and it passes my 3rd view...

Rise and shine. It's time to introduce the #Minnowbootcamp (MBC) level structure.

To mentor promising newcomers through their first months on Steemit. Our focus is on members who produce diverse and interesting content, written in English (for now). Spanish Coming Soon! Recruits will be expected to publish regular blogs, maintaining high quality standards.

We are also looking for generous benefactors to help fund these sponsorships, and investors to help build the Voting Bot, @minnowbootcamp account. In return, MBC will mentor recruits to maximize their chances of success.

We also welcome experienced fish to help mentor new recruits operating in their favourite niche.

Here are the levels:

GROUND LEVEL 0 – all noobs are welcome to join #Minnowbootcamp on the Discord Server. We are recruiting members with a reputation of 25, give or take. Here, they can visit camp and read what they can do to enroll.

RUNG 1 – it begins!
After enrollment, the recruit's first goal is to reach 100 SP (Steem Power). Active officers will be casting a watchful eye over their work and offering improvement advice. Recruits can ask officers for pointers on how to overcome any hurdles they may be facing. 100 SP is important as it achieves a voting level that should always be over 1¢ and greatly reduces bandwidth problems.

Upon graduation from this level, recruits are eligible for scholarships.

RUNG 2 – 100 SP unlocked!
The next goal is 250 SP. Now it's time to really crank up the power. During this time, graduates are encouraged to focus on improving their own content, producing regular blogs and networking with their colleagues in MBC.

If their work is outstanding, they qualify for scholarships. This will give their SP a temporary boost until we're sure they can make it alone without struggling.

RUNG 3 – 250 SP unlocked!
The next goal is 500 SP and the ever-useful slider to help ration Voting Power.

Our shiny recruits are shaping up nicely and proving they've got the determination and stamina to make it big. They'll know their colleagues really well and will be sharing information and tips. Officers will be available for support and advice but this should be required less frequently at this stage.

RUNG 4 – 500 SP and VOTE SLIDER unlocked!
Now, recruits are encouraged to become active members of MBC. The next goal is 1000 SP. They'll be given higher status within the server and the benefits that go along with that status. At this level, the recruit is expected to pay it forward, to help newer recruits striving to climb the ladder. They will act as mentors to recruits on the rungs below them that show promise. At this level it is also possible to Delegate to the Bot or for Scholarship of sub-500 SP Minnows, but never required. We have 1 or 2 members at this level currently.

RUNG 5 – 1000 sp unlocked! Dolphin Training Pod
At this level, recruits who have proven their staying power and character, in terms of helping newer recruits, will be given the opportunity to join the Dolphin Training Pod. Dolphins in Training are eligible to become officers of the MBC and may want to invest DELI into the Bot or into Scholarships.

MANY THANKS at this point to Captain @ANJKARA and Captain @EagleSpirit

for doing most of the work to this point. Like I said, I provided a very rough outline and Anj did a ton on it with help from Eagle. I might have mucked this up a little but I'm sure they will straighten me out! :O




Of my buying spree of KIN Tokens. Still waiting for some KIN News, or movement, it's early though. Let's discuss the ones that are NOT on Stan, my Crypto Mentor's List:

    No one in the true Crypto Fold is very high on this coin. It is presumably Bank$ter Backed and rumors abound. But I made some good money on it before I sold. Good gains, held it for about 2 weeks tops. 25-30% iirc. It was threatening, no, PASSED ETH and was a real contender for a while. I have not kept up on it but I can tell you, it bears watching because if it is truly "Backed by the Bank$ter$" it will also have GOVERNMENT Backing. I read a rumor a couple places, that Ripple would be "capped" at $10 per coin. Kind of like an Uber-Tether coin. This is totally unverified...

    Also not on Stan's list, but it is a perennial favorite of Steemians because it is connected to the SUPERIOR Steem-Style blockchain which whips A$$ of all others! Here's a graph showing the disparity in speeds with some of the biggest coins in Crypto!

During this short time holding such a diverse and balanced portfolio, I made some nice gains in nearly every coin! These were all STAN Recommendations. No "TA" involved, just good Solid review of the Fundamentals. We will go into the rest of the coins next time, and I have a few in my back pocket that Stan likes but I did not have at that time. KIN was a big one, but he got in before the PUMP_N_DUMP and made $71,000 on a $6000 investment :D Now we are awaiting the GROWTH Pattern. KIN has not been released onto it's platform yet. KIK Messenger.

disclaimer: My Crypto Mentor STAN is not to be confused with @stan on steemit, my friend lives in the UK and actually is too busy for this platform, but he directed me here and I followed his advice. As you can see I have done very well for myself in the last 9 months! Every piece of advice I've received from him SO FAR has paid off, and very well. I am not a professional crypto adviser but he is, it's now his day job... and he has at least one Fiat Millionaire Client he has told me about. So, take all of this with a grain of salt, DYODD, and all that. It's all HODL Advice, if we get into a PUNT Arrangement I will reveal that at the time I get the info. Come along for the ride if you like, but this is second hand and you all have been notified. For entertainment purposes ONLY and we'll see who is better, Haejin or STAN :D

Join us at discord!


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