The death of people from a fire

In the city of Kemerovo March 25 there was a fire in the shopping and entertainment center "Winter Cherry", dozens of people died, most of whom were children. The fire began with the experts' words between the 3rd and 4th floors, most likely due to the short circuit and ignition of the wiring. The fire began to spread rapidly across the ceilings and enveloped the whole room.

Automatic fire alarm was disabled due to constant triggering a week earlier, but fire detectors began to show alarm to the security panel. The duty officer summoned the firemen, but did not turn on the alarm.

People learned about the fire as the acrid smoke spread from the burning Chinese plastic and insulation, which was sheathed the whole building. If the fire safety requirements oblige to keep evacuation exits open, the FSB forces, as a fight against terrorist acts, on the contrary, to keep all doors closed and keep the keys for the guards. In this case, the guards, instead of running and opening the evacuation exits and taking people out, fled with everyone.

The worst thing is that in small cinemas were cartoons for children. Someone received a bonus for good study, many parents from the presidential elections brought coupons to visit the shopping and entertainment center.

Adults went shopping, and children were abandoned. When one of the parents realized, the whole corridor was covered with acrid smoke. Instead of taking the children out, the adults began to caulk the cracks in the doors.

What was in the mind of these people? Uncle Vova, are we with you? Now the noble Putin firefighters will come and save? Or will the son of God himself descend and carry the children from the burning building? Or maybe he protects them with a miracle?

As it turned out, the rescuers came to the fire without oxygen tanks, only with gas masks. They did not reach the closed door for twenty meters and dozens of children burned alive. Many managed to call their parents and say goodbye.

"Winter Cherry" was in the center of the city of Kemerovo, to the fire department of 500 meters in a straight line, around the car - 800 meters. The nearest fire station is 3 kilometers away. According to eyewitnesses, firefighters arrived 40 minutes after the start of the fire on old cars of the last century, some equipment did not work.

Since the firemen did not have nets, trampolines or other devices, and there were no external fire stairs on the building, the evacuation exits were tightly closed, then people began to throw themselves out onto the asphalt and perish.

Causes of mass deaths

I wrote about the causes of the fire in the blog "The Ball of Satan Continues", now I want to analyze the causes of mass deaths. Some people blame scapegoats who have not done something, or have taken advantage of the system of nepotism and the absence of opposition of the interests of the customer and the performer in fire supervision.

Others blame the country's leaders - Putin, Tuleyev mayor of Kemerovo, firefighters and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. In my opinion, all these people are certainly guilty of the catastrophic situation that arose in our country as a result of the gap between the use of high technology and low standards of management at the level of cartage transport.

But this was allowed by all citizens of Russia, they huddled in the holes, and the bandits seized power in the country. They created the only hierarchy they understood, eliminated the rudiments of local self-government. As a result, people's lives began to occur in their space and quietly degrade, and the masters of life created for themselves a separate reality in which there is no place for Russian citizens.


I already wrote about fire supervision, but what about firefighters? Of these, a hierarchical structure was created and subordinated to the powerful Ministry for Emergency Situations. The regional fire department is subordinated to Moscow, waits for funding and instructions from there, it does not depend on the local authorities in any way.

The only incentive is to write beautiful reports and draw resources from the fire departments.Local authorities do not control the provision of fire brigades, which is why the firemen in Kemerovo came to extinguish on old cars, one staircase did not work, trampolines, nets and oxygen tanks from the rescuers were not.

Moreover, optimization - reducing budget spending on social needs - has also been carried out by firefighters. According to one of them, the salary became so miserable that people are listed at work for the sake of experience and social benefits, and between shifts they earn on the side.

The outfit comes either not suitable for use, or at all is not enough and the fighters are forced to pull matches - who will get it, in fairness. According to the rule of the game theory "five pirates" Moscow authorities take most of the resources to everyone's satisfaction. So, recently, for management, a plane with a decoration worth 2 billion rubles was bought.

Therefore, there are not enough money for combat units to fight fire and will never be in sufficient quantity: just such a system. This system makes firefighters independent of people. Human lives in this system are consumables.

The more victims - the more you can claim money from the budget and spend Moscow bosses on yourself. This system needs fires with victims for trade in threats. But Russian citizens need a safe environment for life, so their interests with the hierarchy of the Ministry for Emergency Situations differ directly.

Local self-government

The mayor of the city of Kemerovo also does not answer to the citizens, they did not elect him, he was appointed by the governor Tuleyev. Therefore, the mayor's task is to draw beautiful reports to the governor, in time to sign budget expenses affiliated with Tuleyev companies to provide services to the mayor's office.

For this, too, get the opportunity to bite off a piece of budget pie already through its affiliated companies. Again the same rake, which kill: the customer and the performer in one person. Steer the budget money as much as you like.

Once the fate of the mayor depends only on the governor - he wanted to spit on the townspeople. He was appointed and can be removed only by the governor, so it makes sense to serve him only. This is a perversion all over the country.

And where the mayors choose the picture is not better, because municipal filters let only the right people pass, there is no political competition in local self-government in Russia.


Governor of the Kemerovo region Tuleyev was not chosen by citizens. What is called elections in Russia is a fiction, this institution does not work. Prior to the elections, real competitors are never allowed, the administrative resources used for vote rigging are used at the elections themselves. Therefore, the governors are appointed de facto by the president.

Tuleev understands this, so he does not care about people, it's important to bend over to the sun. That's why Tuleyev did not go to the square where the meeting was to apologize to people, and began to apologize to Putin for the inconvenience. It's just an abomination somehow. Excuse the tsar-father the holiday of the next accession spoiled: the slaves were burned. I'm just mad at this logic.

The townspeople, meanwhile, rebelled, dared the police cordon and went out by several thousand to the central square of the city of Kemerovo. Towards them were sent police officers and deputy Tuleyev Tsivilev armed with clubs.

Sergei Tsivilev is associated not only with the oligarch Timchenko close to Putin, he is still in a spike with Putin's fellow student Igor Sobolevsky, who is looking for Spanish justice for complicity in the Tambov organized criminal group.

Sergei Tsivilev, along with the full namesake of his brother Igor Sobolevsky, was the founder of a law firm. So on Kuzbass an interesting story is played out.

Tuleev and his associates spent 21 years seizing all the resources of the Kemerovo region and reached 70% in this matter, now all assets will be squeezed out by the Tambov criminal group. Dear Kemerovo residents! You had Tuleyev's OPG, now there will be Tambov. And death, and tears, and love.

And people are again overboard and no one needs.The world of people lives its own life, the world of power is its own, the result will be an increasing technogenic catastrophe.

The world of power

After the tragedy began, only the telegram channel of the Open Russia began to betray the information from the site of the tragic event, breaking the information blockade.

The central channels praised Putin in the best traditions of North Korea, scolded the US State Department, Ukrainians, threatened the whole world with a war, and people died in Kemerovo, most of whom were children ...

The local press was tipped by Tuleyev. She paid them, not citizens. All the chiefs hid and, instead of covering the tragedy, local journalists kept silence, waiting for the pointer from above. Literally behind the Open Russia tragedy began to cover the TV channel "Rain" and Facebook, the other sales agents of the Kremlin were silent ...

Every official was afraid to take responsibility without a pointer from above, they were completely disoriented, an empty space was formed. The head of the regional Ministry of Emergency Measures was afraid to name the number of deaths, doctors the number of operations, the morgues did not report the number of dead unfortunate people who arrived.

Everyone was afraid to open their mouths and tell the truth, everyone was afraid to do anything. This is how the vertical line constructed by Putin works. When nothing happens tragic or crisis, she lives a different life from the citizens of Russia.

Uses the power to seize property and grow rich. As soon as a disaster occurs, a lifeless space immediately forms, the vertical waits for its master and without it is afraid to do anything. People are abandoned, a solid contact zoo.

On the television, the agents of the Kremlin vtyuhayvayut in the head lullaby pictures, the power of you will take care, but in fact it is not capable of it.

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