Truth is non-negotiable Spreading of Truth is Sacrosanct - My thoughts on Facts, Discrimination, Hate speech and Building a better Future

The truth is the greatest liberator of all. Freedom is a fundamental unalienable right. One becomes free through understanding. Understanding happens through self-discovery of truth or upon hearing/reading/watching it. Truth is very very important. It's essential to life. You are on steemit because you understand certain truths. When you invest in a great crypto, that is because you understand a certain truth. If you HODL the right coin, it was because of your understanding. This is true in all areas of life.

The worst kind of lying

When you lie, it's a betrayal of truth. When you lie for status, fame, wealth etc. you are trading the truth for those things. A person who lie for a million dollars is a saying truth isn't worth a million dollars. But a person who make white lies in the name of good is putting truth below "sin" itself. A white lie is burial of truth in the name of good. It's feeding someone poison calling it elixir. A person who'd lie for a million dollars may not lie for half a million. But a person who lie in the name of good has already betrayed the goodness itself. Truth is sacrosanct. Truth is non-negotiable

This is something I've always stood by and I will always take this stance. There are no justifications against truth. A fact is never a hate speech. Without facts there is no future. Why? Everything in the universe is cause and effect. Reality can be reduced to cause and effect. Understanding the full scale of reality may drive a person mad. Understanding all of cause and effect would mean omniscience. We can have a future without omniscience. But that future is going to be a consequence of past decisions. Each decision we take and have taken shapes the future.

We take these decisions based on the information we have. The more information we have, better our decisions are. But that's only true if those information are correct. Any lie is leading to a bad decision resulting in a worse future. Any disruption to the flow of information is going to make a worse future. If you take a look at the growth of science and technology, you will see that all accurate past information speed things up while inaccurate notions hold back the future. For an example, Newtonian physics held back the development of Quantum physics. Jamie Dimon and Chinese ICO ban held back the development of blockchain and related tech (DAG, Hashgraph, MaidSafe)

Discrimination is like Nuclear Energy - There is the right kind and the wrong kind

It's a comedian's quote that belong in a philosopher's book. You cannot put Mother Theresa and Hitler together. Doing that would be like those white lies. One ideology, one way of life is certainly superior. It's an objective fact. Any refusal would mean putting those 2 people in the same equality box. I was once told that Hitler also though that one way of life is certainly superior.

This is a classic The ad hominem fallacy that has been treated as common knowledge for millenniums. It's logic 101 : Basically what I have to say is that Hitler ate food, used the bathroom, he was a non-smoker, a vegan, he didn't drink alcohol, dropped out of highschool, Hitler LOVED chocolates and he also loved his country .

There are things that shouldn't be a reason for discrimination. A person's intellectual capabilities are not bound to a person's skin color or gender. A person doesn't become a good writer or leader or athlete based on those things either. But that doesn't mean everybody is equal. For an example here is a clip of Amy Johnston. This chick could kill me with a one hand tied behind her back and might be able to take down most of the real world military officers in a fight.

How is this possible? It's called specialization. People are good at different things. Basically you can't use STEEM and have privacy regardless of how great STEEM is. As for Amy,

Amy Johnston was raised in the wild west of Wyoming. As the daughter of 5 time world champion kickboxer, David Johnston, Amy has trained and performed in Martial Arts her entire life. She has won numerous first place and Grand Champion awards in forms and fighting around the country, and was invited to perform at the United States Martial Arts Hall of Fame Extravaganza for Kung Fu Magazine. Along with a wide variety of martial arts styles, she has studied dance and gymnastics. At age 13, Amy starred in Karate Kids Workout with Emmy Award winning Director, Lee Stanley. Thus began her passion to inspire and show girls that they can be beautiful and strong at the same time. At the age of 18, she ventured on her own to Hollywood to pursue a career in martial arts film.
Here is a link to here resume:

Now here is a picture of Olympic 100m running finals.

Now let's take a look at Olympic 100m swimming finals.

If you search the net you'll see a similar setup. I'm not a sports fan. This truth was something I came across in a research paper few years ago. I couldn't find the research. But if you can simply search for the Olympic finals you can see the facts. The research claimed this was a genetic thing. So different kinds of people are also better at specializing at different things. This doesn't make anybody a better swimmer or better runner based on skin color. But it does outline what each of them are better at specializing.

Also there was this FDA's newly approved race specific drug for black people with severe heart failure which showed a 43 percent reduction in deaths and a 39 percent decrease in hospitalizations.

Free flow of information makes all decisions objectively better. No matter how terrible something sounds, if it's true it must be spread. Here is what Socrates had to say. Please watch the allegory he present

Every truth matters. Civilization can only be built and progressed on truth. Truth can never be a bad thing and lying in the name of good is never going to help. We need to put ideas to test and see which is better. When we see something better, we must accept it instead of ignore it or suppress it. Dash is better than Bitcoin and EOS is going to be better than Ethereum. If Ethereum doesn't get any major upgrades, EOS will be able to run Ethereum as a single smart contract on their platform. At times there could be multiple good picks like Dash Vs PIVX or Ferrari Vs Rolls-Royce. Those are the times we shouldn't discriminate. One may prefer Anarchy over Minarchy or vise versa. These things are acceptable. There can co-exist. But neither of them can co-exist with a communist hellhole or fascist (Literally means "a bundle of rods" dictatorship. We must know to separate the good and the bad and it is truth (accurate information) that gives us the ability to do so.

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