The Failure of Fiat Currency


With history being the best indicator of the future, America is primed for another currency collapse.

We are facing a debt as out-of-control as Weimar Germany while the government keeps the printing presses busy. At this time, China and Russia are supporting their respective currencies with gold. In addition, both countries are using a new money transfer system, CIPS (China International Payment System), to replace the western SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication) system.

Source: Zero Hedge - Failure of Fiat Currency

  • Read the whole article sourced above :)

  • If you're not familiar with ZERO HEDGE and writer, Tyler Durden....You're welcome - he's a real beauty of a journalist!

The deeper Reflection here...

  • We've been using corrupt systems for a long time...

  • Reflects the corruption in the human psychology.

  • We need to create systems that prevent the "option/choice" for corruption.

  • Is Blockchain and cryptocurrency a way to bring transparency and accounting to the world....a way in which we can prevent the evil nature of humans?

  • Will capitalism replace government? Can we self-govern with better results?

Interesting times upon us as the corruption...the accumulation is compressing so really reflects the mind and the body merging together as one.

The future, I think has a lot to do with how we as individuals process all of our realizations...and how much we share our insights with each other.

I think we could restructure the world in a very capitalistic way that is to a better benefit of the majority of participants here today.....with the existing cryptocurrency structures we have in place. Granted this is still very much the infancy and early adopter phase.

Will you push forth narratives in your peer environments about money and cryptocurrency?

  • The best form of advertising has always been "word of mouth".

  • Crypto is like the ultimate form of 'multi level marketing' - it's kind of cool.


  • Never put in what you fear losing. Whether it is fiat, metals or crypto - make sure to take care of yourself.


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