My First Time with Watercolors

Good afternoon friends.

Today I wanted to start something new, I wanted to do something with watercolors, but fuck! I'm a coward with new things so I was afraid to do my drawing with watercolors and in the end I went for what I already know better.

My idea was to make a dream catcher completely with watercolors but I gave up that idea and went for the colored pencils that if I know them and more or less I know how to work with them, when I finished my drawing I invented the background with watercolors, that if, having my drawing ready on the computer as a guarantee in case the background with watercolors ruined my drawing, it was already saved and I could publish it that way. I think that to be my first time it was not so bad or I think so! Of course it is not that I made a masterpiece but something is something. :)


Gif of Drawing Process


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