Portrait of a cute girl with a school pencil

Greetings and happy start to week.

A long time ago I saw a video of a Venezuelan artist who in his video explained and showed that to make a pencil drawing you do not need to use special pencils for drawing, in his video he said that a simple school pencil worked very well, just that you should use the pencil well and you could get a good result.

The drawing he made in the video was very good (Better than the one I did) and simply with a school pencil, I really do not remember the name of that Venezuelan artist because I saw the video a long time ago and my memory is not so good, but yesterday I remembered that video and I started to make a drawing using a simple pencil and remembering a little about what he said about how to use the pencil to give a good result.

So I made a beautiful girl that I found on the Internet using the technique of that Venezuelan artist that I saw in his video and using my son's school pencil.

Thank you for your visit, I hope that my work pleased you and I see you in my next drawing. 😜✌

Gif of Drawing Process

Reference Image


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