The Dark Lord - Trial By Comics Second Entry

A few minutes ago I finished creating my own character for #TrialbyComics, I like to create my own characters and this week the contest is about that, to create a character of my own, here I leave my second entry.

This character is the evil being that I promised to do for the heroine I published a few days ago, as I said in that publication, a hero is useless if he is not accompanied by a super villain. It took me a while to make this sketch and I even think that this sketch has been the one that I have spent more hours working on.

The other thing that cost me was the color, I had some problems deciding how to color it but I think with these colors it does not look so bad, or does it?

This character is a being full of evil which can corrupt the mind and soul of any creature with kindness, in my story is responsible for filling the hearts of all creatures with darkness. It was he who dominated the strength of the 10 celestial dragons that I mention "here" and put them against the sorcerers who created life in that world of fantasies and creatures.

I wish you all good days and a happy week to everyone, it would be very happy to know if you liked my second character that I just created.

Thank you very much for the support, see you soon!!!

Gif of Drawing Process

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