Today I am going to share about my trip to Hiroshima!
Went to Hiroshima and Shikoku, stayed ard 2days at Hiroshima!
Let me introduce some spots and nice restaurant to u! :)
我們在下午2時到達廣島機場, 轉乘機場巴士就能到達廣島市區了!
大概的歷史故事, 相信大家也曾聽過!
We arrived Hiroshima airport at ard 2pm, took airport bus to go to city!
After settled our luggages, we walked to Atomic Bomb Dome, the heritage which showed us the history of first atomic bomb in human history!
Felt heart vibrated after saw the remains of the building directly.
The site was designated as a World Heritage Site in 1996 by UNESCO.
If you want to know more about the Atomic Bomb Dome, please visit the website at the end of this article!
大概的歷史故事, 相信大家也曾聽過!
We arrived Hiroshima airport at ard 2pm, took airport bus to go to city!
After settled our luggages, we walked to Atomic Bomb Dome, the heritage which showed us the history of first atomic bomb in human history!
Felt heart vibrated after saw the remains of the building directly.
The site was designated as a World Heritage Site in 1996 by UNESCO.
If you want to know more about the Atomic Bomb Dome, please visit the website at the end of this article!
步行到位於廣島市的中心部位廣島和平紀念公園, 會路過包圍著和平紀念公園的河道, 黃昏時有少許風吹, 十分舒服!
和平公園內有標誌性的建築, 是日本人為祈望和平及紀念逝者已建!
While walking to the center of Hiroshima-the Peace Park, we passed through the river branch off that surrounded the Peace Park. Felt so comfortable as soft wind blew during the evening!
The Peach Park have signature statues and building in order to commemorate victims who lost their lives due to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
和平公園內有標誌性的建築, 是日本人為祈望和平及紀念逝者已建!
While walking to the center of Hiroshima-the Peace Park, we passed through the river branch off that surrounded the Peace Park. Felt so comfortable as soft wind blew during the evening!
The Peach Park have signature statues and building in order to commemorate victims who lost their lives due to the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
Children's Peace Monument
In order to commemorate the innocent children who died due to the atomic bombing and pray for peace.
永不熄滅的和平之火, 和平之火會一直燃燒, 直到有一天世界上的核武器全部廢除後才會熄滅!
The Flame of Peace will keep burning until nuclear weapons are abolished worldwide.
Cenotaph for Atomic Bomb Victims
正式名字是和平紀念碑, 但一般認為是慰靈碑(跟原爆遺址及和平記念資料館成一直線)
The 'Memorial Monument for Hiroshima, City of Peace', it is more commonly known as the Cenotaph for Atomic Bomb Victims
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
保存著一些原爆後發現的物品及當時的照片, 邊看邊覺得很震撼, 有想哭的感覺
The museum displays possessions from the victims of the bomb, photographs and other documentation, visit the museum with a heavy heart.
第二天, 我們一早就去了宮島!
往宮島可以從廣島市區乘地面電車往宮島口!往宮島需要轉乘大概10分鐘的遊覽船, 接近宮島時, 基本上就已經可以看到右邊照片的大鳥居了!
我去那天剛好是退潮時間, 所以可以近距離拍到鳥居!!
另外還可以走一下嚴島神社及遊彌山, 晚上的嚴島神社會好美的~ 但是那天我太早到了...等不了這麼久~ 拍了鳥居,在周圍逛一下後, 就離開了!
Next day, we went to Miyajima!
We took Tram Hiroshima ‘Dentetsu’ from Hiroshima city to Miyajima Guchi! Then we changed ferry at Miyajima Guchi to Miyajima, then arrived there after 10mins!!!! When the ferry nearly arrive Miyajima, we saw the great Torii like the photo at right!
Luckily, It was low tide when we arrived Miyajima, thus, we could took photos under the great torii!
Besides, there are so many ways to travel in Miyajima, visit Itsukushima Shrine and Mount Misen! The night view of Itsukushima Shrine is so beautiful, I couldn't wait for that long as I arrived Miyajima too early on that day. Finally, we walked ard the shopping street and left Miyajima.
往宮島可以從廣島市區乘地面電車往宮島口!往宮島需要轉乘大概10分鐘的遊覽船, 接近宮島時, 基本上就已經可以看到右邊照片的大鳥居了!
我去那天剛好是退潮時間, 所以可以近距離拍到鳥居!!
另外還可以走一下嚴島神社及遊彌山, 晚上的嚴島神社會好美的~ 但是那天我太早到了...等不了這麼久~ 拍了鳥居,在周圍逛一下後, 就離開了!
Next day, we went to Miyajima!
We took Tram Hiroshima ‘Dentetsu’ from Hiroshima city to Miyajima Guchi! Then we changed ferry at Miyajima Guchi to Miyajima, then arrived there after 10mins!!!! When the ferry nearly arrive Miyajima, we saw the great Torii like the photo at right!
Luckily, It was low tide when we arrived Miyajima, thus, we could took photos under the great torii!
Besides, there are so many ways to travel in Miyajima, visit Itsukushima Shrine and Mount Misen! The night view of Itsukushima Shrine is so beautiful, I couldn't wait for that long as I arrived Miyajima too early on that day. Finally, we walked ard the shopping street and left Miyajima.
廣島市介紹/Visit Hiroshima
宮島介紹/Visti Miyajima
東京遊記&美食介紹(2)/Tokyo Travels & Restaurant Recommendation(2) ulog#004
橫濱 鎌倉 江之島遊記/Yokohama-Kamakura-Enoshima Travels ulog#0003
5月兩日一夜輕井澤遊記/ 2days 1night trip to Karuizawa in May ulog#002
東京美食推介/ Tokyo Restaurant Recommendation ulog#001
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