Drawing with ink or a holiday flat forms

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Today we will talk about drawing in monochrome techniques.

From the very childhood, from the first lessons in art schools and art circles, children are brought to the attention that all the subjects they draw should be depicted according to certain rules. If we draw, for example, a butterfly, a cat or a flower, then on paper they should have a shape, even if they look sometimes flat.

Rules there are rules, however among the most strict of them accented exceptions. For example, when it comes to drawing ink, liner or gel pen.

As a child, and even in the later years of youth, I was always terribly interested: who exactly comes up and draws coloring books? Because, looking at those colorless and flat-looking blanks, I always admired the skill of the authors, who could even in such a simplified and adapted form to convey to us the General, and at the same competent outlines of recognizable objects.

In fact, coloring has always been perceived by me as almost finished work. Because there remained only to fill the white void, thereby only slightly change the appearance of the image, which often continued to be as flat as before.

These questions excited me until one day, when I was older, I picked up a pen and ink. And then the magic of drawing simple shapes overwhelmed me.

I have already published several of my works in the pen technique, and in order not to repeat myself, I decided to do something different in this article. At one of the lessons I suggested to children to draw patterns, using the outlines of a bird as an example. I decided to show the results of our experiments in this article.

Ink drawing is a very entertaining process. No wonder those who came up with such a thing as a Doodle (from eng. doodles – and- noodles), chose for a tool that is ink (or gel pen), because of the line pursued by her, have a uniform, usually black. For drawing doodles can spend hours, while time flies by, and the mind calms down.

If we consider the psychological aspect of such creativity, it lies precisely in the fact that there is not given much importance to the drawing of some complex volumes, and most of the compositions have an abstract and decorative character.

Today, following the fashion trends, many artists even produce entire albums for coloring, where their own drawings in the style of doodles are offered as a creative tool for everyone, from small to large.

Children in my classes are incredibly like to create in this technique. The consciousness of students is completely liberated, giving free rein to unbridled imagination and creativity, it is not necessary to repeat what is on the example, no one forbids to invent their patterns and fill the space of "coloring".

However, the technique of ink is not required only for creating flat forms. If desired, ink can create monochrome and at the same time very voluminous work. But to love this technique, you need to start, of course, with something simpler. Here Ludlow virtually no competition!

The article used the pictures from the lessons of the author

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