EXTENDED 1 week - 8 days left in postartchallenge - theme 2 - page dividers - 50 SBDs up for grabs!

Not enough entries have been submitted. I have decided to extend 1 week hoping to give more people time to get entries in

This post is just to let people know incase they hadn't heard about it yet! The original post with the rules can be found here

Here are a few of the entries we have so far..

submitted by @giuatt07

submitted by @flauwy

also submitted by @flauwy

more by submitted by @flauwy

and also submitted by @flauwy

submitted by @thatsweeneyguy

also submitted by @thatsweeneyguy

So if you have time, feel free to make us Steemians a page divider and join in my #Postartchallenge.. There are still 8 days left!

Thank you for your time,


3 columns
2 columns
1 column