Postartchallenge theme 2 - Page dividers - Winners/Proof of payment. No theme 3, postartchallenge is dead.

Thank you everyone who submitted entries, a lot of new page divider possibilities were added to the Steemiverse over the past 2 weeks. All users are free to take any of these page dividers below and use them in your own posts.. Thank the artists, follow them if you like there work!

As payment instead of awarding the best of the 5 entries since we had so few participants.. Anyone who only made one entry will get 2 SBD. and anyone who made more will get 10 SBD. The reward will be more than the original 50 SBD.

This is because this challenge is officially, temporarily canceled. Of all the SBD I have made on steemit, 50 goes to kyriacos, 90 goes to @valued.customer for building the steemit little free library. All the rest will go to the entrants of this postartchallenge..

Here are the page dividers free to use to Steemit, provided by fellow Steemit users!

Submitted by @oceansoul13

Also submitted by @oceansoul13

Another entry by @oceansoul13

4th entry by @oceansoul13

Thank you @oceansoul13

Sumbmitted by @concept

Also submitted by @concept

Another by @concept

Thank you @concept,h_55,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/203872_db088284e4bb4ff591d32da349f5d13cmv2.png

submitted by @aleister,h_39,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/203872_bd7f80c0751e42c683081f521f8ab2f9mv2.png

also submitted by @aleister,h_39,al_c,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/203872_08c4fe119f6d4e7f90cf26638743da49mv2.png

3rd entry by @aleister

4th entry from @aleister

Thank you @aleister

submitted by @dksart

also submitted by @dksart

3rd submission by @dksart

Another by @dksart

Thank you @dksart

submitted by @giuatt07

An entry from @jeffreylikeyou

submitted by @flauwy

also submitted by @flauwy

more by submitted by @flauwy

Thank you @flauwy

submitted by @thatsweeneyguy

Thank you @thatsweeneyguy

Submitted by @kristyglas

Another by @kristyglas

More @kristyglas

Also by @kristyglas

more by @kristyglas

Thank you @kristyglas

Proof of payment/center>

@thatsweeneyguy I didn't forget about you.. I am absolving 10$ of your SBD debt to me for this challenge, and absolving the rest of it because I like you and you do good things for Steem.

Everyone who made an entry.. You are appreciated. Thanks for being awesome people. Everyone who has upvoted any of the post art challenge posts. You also helped, thanks! Its been a fun experience on the internet. Thanks to all the cool people I have met.

I wish everyone else the best Steemit success though! There are more good than bad people here currently. The odds are in the better sides favor. I hope you guys win.



3 columns
2 columns
1 column