Our First Pregnancy Announcement on Steemit

(post written by Kareen)

We’ve made the announcement on our other social media accounts with quick blurbs so Derek and I are glad to be able to share the news here in long form:

The Turner Three will soon become The Turner Four!

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We are so excited to be welcoming our second child in December. Our hearts could not be more filled with love… and a little anxiety, too, if I’m honest. A baby and a toddler?!? Our hands will be full as our friends have not hesitated to share with us.

Our journey to parenthood was a long one. Derek and I met through a mutual friend in 1997. We became good friends, eventually began dating in 2000 and married in 2005.

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Early in our marriage, we decided kids weren’t for us. With my career thriving and enjoying ‘us time,’ I was certainly content with our decision.

Then 35 came and a slow ticking started.

36 came and the ticking got louder.

A little louder at 37 and at 38 it was deafening.

When I talked to Derek about it, we asked ourselves if we were really willing to close that door. My answer was ‘no’ and thankfully so was his. That talk was in August 2014 and we decided to try that December. That was the longest four months EVER! We were blessed with a positive our first month of trying. We celebrated the start of 2015 sharing the news with our family and close friends. That September we welcomed our first child, a girl, Shalom.

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These almost two years have been filled with the most adventure we’ve ever experienced as we’ve navigated parenthood and loving on Shalom.

And so now, we’re doing it again and December could not come soon enough! Be sure to stay tuned for our gender announcement :)



FB: TeamTurnerLive
Instagram: @teamturnerlive

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