Food Prep - Making Old Portuguese Kale Soup

Let me just start by saying, this is an Old Ramos recipe, going back to Mrs Ramos the blacksmith's wife. Her grand-daughter gave me the recipe when she was in her 70s...

I know there are many other recipes, many very elaborate, but some of the New England originals came from the depression era, where finding sugar or molasses was not an easy task. So, people stocked up on B&M baked beans when they could, and got their Linguica from local people, or made it themselves.
(The history of B&M baked beans if you are interested... )

Where I grew up, the Portuguese grandmothers and grandfathers still made Scully-jo in their back yards, and pickled fish was common. I was very fortunate to be adopted by many of them. I had more Nana's and Papa's than I ever knew was possible...and so I learned how a real community all takes care of the kids, and often no one really knows who belongs to whom...because no matter where you are at dinner time, the mothers and grandmothers just count heads and feed everyone there.

If you were in the house, you were bound to be handed a peeler and a bowl of potatoes, or told to cut the grass...or switch laundry. It was just the way...but no one worried about their kids, and everyone was fed, and all the chores were done...and we learned.

Anyways, on to the recipe...and if you have another, please feel free to add it in the comments :) There are hundreds, and we can never have too many!

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Linguica (lin-gwee-sah)

I am a Gaspar's girl...
You can get other brands of liguica, but it will never have the same flavor...

So even though I am not usually a brand name kind of person, B&M beans, and Gaspar's linguica are a must for good kale soup...Bush's country style can be a pale substitute, but honestly if I cannot get B&M I would probably dredge out the baked bean recipe and make them myself...

So being in CO now, once a year I order a pile of linguica, and stick it in the freezer. I am going to try and get a recipe, because if SHTF, I want to know how to make it myself...

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Chop the linguica into fairly small pieces (so that it is hard for anyone to fish it all out in their bowl ;)

If you want to turn a room full of grown people into children, cook linguica. The pieces go missing every time the pot is unattended, and you get a bunch of people shrugging sheepishly saying, "I don't wasn't me"...I have had to put kids on guard duty, really!

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Peel and chop up some Russet potatoes (know your potatoes, russet are good for soup). I used five good sized potatoes for a 2 gallon pot, along with 2 lb linguica, 20 oz beans, 3 bunches of curly kale, and one sweet onion...

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Just toss everything in the pot...chopped

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Add the beans, and water...leaving a good inch or two to pile the kale on.

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I usually break the kale with my fingers, so that I am handling it and can remove any bite marks, little kritters we don't want to eat, yellowed spots, etc... Even after washing it you might find a lady bug or two. I also only add the leaf, the stems go to compost, or chickens if you have them...

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Pile the kale on, so you have to press the lid down on the will cook down, then you can add more until it is all in there. Add in some salt, pepper and garlic don't need much because the linguica and beans make a beautiful broth.
Now you just simmer it on med low until the veggies are cooked well.

I am making this for canning, so there is not too much broth...(why waste jar space on broth?) When I open a jar later, I will add about 1/3 jar water, and simmer it a bit to make more broth.

When I eat kale soup, I add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to my bowl...but others eat it as is. It is really good broth, and great with some fresh bread...

Once the kale soup is done here, I will pressure can this and the onion soup I made yesterday, all at one time :)

Thank you for reading :)...I hope you enjoyed!

This is a {Steemit Original} All words and photos by Elew

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