my very own Rice and peanuts is equal to rise crispies for #preppercookoff

In participation of @canadianrenegade here's my entry for the challenge and I thanked also @girthbomb who traded her rice and peanuts with my beans in tomato sauce and mushrooms.

here's the finished product the rice crispies I made for this challenge

for the ingredients we have dry rice, peanuts and marshmallows

And here's the process of cooking. This took me the whole day from preparation of ingredients and all. This an experiment also and I never thought I could make it.

(1) for step one we are going to cook the 1cup of rice.

received_572731153106340.jpeg(2) for step 2 we are to bring the cooked rice under the heat of the sun to dry it up and after hour's of drying (it got easily dry here in our place for its summer and the sun is so hot) and after drying we are to cook again the rice to make rice crispies.

this is now how our rice looks, it is now the rice crispies I made.

(3) step 3 preparing peanuts like peeling of the brown coat or cover

mixing all the ingredients like the rice crispies and peanuts then I add 3 tablespoon of sugar to taste

then adding the melted marshmallows for the rice and peanuts to stick together

our rice and peanuts with sugar now stick together with the help of marshmallows and this is how it looks like. I then put them in a plastic container pressing it and after that slicing the finished product of my rice crispies.

this is now the finished product and this may not look perfectly great for this is my first-time doing this with marshmallows but it taste real good

yeah right! You read it right my rice crispies taste so good that made me think to do it and try cooking for snacks. Here's my family who had tasted and enjoy the taste of my very own rice crispies. I can see they love the food for no left over and their looking for more. My two kids, my sister and my cousin's and also my husband we're my testing buddies who eat all those rice crispies I made.

Hope you'll appreciate this. And thanks for dropping by. Im inviting everyone to participate this cool and interesting challenge @canadianrenegade here's a link to know more about the challenge


Hope to cook more rice crispies in the near future. I love the taste and love doing it over and over again. I thank @canadianrenegade for this challenge. Made me do some experiment in cooking with a great outcome. More power and God bless. God bless everyone.


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