The Seven Arrows: Princess Bola Adelani takes you to the deep end

The seven arrows. Princess Bola takes you to the deep end.

Fasting Facebook & social media for 100 days.

   I woke up this morning with a spring in my step and joy in my heart
   I had this deep inexplicable “knowing” that something good is about to happen. 

   As I pondered over this inexplicable excitement and sense of expectation, 
   I realized that today marks the 7 day countdown to the end of my 100day fast 
   and also marks the first day of daylight saving times, when we spring forward 
   by turning the clocks  one hour ahead.

   From that realization God began to speak to me prophetically about the spring 
   season that we have entered into according to divine calendar… 
   I capture this powerful message in this week’s featured video below.
   Princess Bola

The fast has allowed me more time to wait & hear from God. You have to take intentional steps to drown out the noise.
Princess Bola

Spring, a new season to spring forward

A season of manifestation, a season of actualization, a season of refreshing

We are in a new season.
If we are not careful, we can got into Christianese.
I am not hyping you.
Princess Bola

     Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? 
     I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.  
     Isa 43:19, KJV

Rapid accelerated change is here

Yet we are resistant to change. You have just to look around you. We are in a season of rapid accelerated change. If you blink you may miss it. This is a season of momentum
Everything has changed politically, culturally, professionally, geographically, maritally, financially. In every area.
If the change bug has not caught you yet, you better get ready.
This change is good because God is behind it.
Yet we are resistant to change.

Archer's quiver or arrow-case; together with seven arrows for a longbow, in 15th- 16th century

The Seven Arrows

Seven arrows, seven key word

Here are the seven arrows through seven keywords that Princess Bola has received. The detailed explanation is in the attached video.


God is renewing us.
We are mounting up with wings, as eagles.


Beauty for ashes.


God is restoring the years that the years that the locusts have eaten; that the caterpillar & the cankerworm have eaten.
Everything that you have lost in the wilderness, God is restoring.


Many of us have been toiling behind the scences, we've been labouring in secret. No one has noticed: but, God has noticed. The God who sees you in secret is about to reward you openly.


In this season, God is rewarding your faithfulness. He is recompensing you. He is giving you back.


Praise God. Hallelujah!
   But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by 
   Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, 
   stablish, strengthen, settle you.
   1 Pet 5:10 KJV
God is about to settle you, in this season.
Wilderness is over. Establishing. Perfection.
Season of wandering in the wilderness is over, aimless, purposely, hopelessly.
Season of Settlement: financial, inheritance. Settlements are coming through.
      The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tabernacles of the righteous: 
      the right hand of the Lord doeth valiantly.
      Psa 118:15 KJV

Real estate

Home ownership.
The season of settlement.

Avoiding counterfeits

See also, 2017 is a two-edged sword & beware of the counterfeit. Avoid counterfeits by:
  • Preparing for change.
  • Embrace change. If we don't change we cannot grow.
  • Pray, fast, get into the Word of God. Be familiar with the original.

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The Master's Mind on Total Success: Discover God's Wisdom for Your Personal and Professional Success

In this groundbreaking and riveting book, Princess Bola Adelani, America's 'Dream Midwife, Spiritual Money Coach, and Queen of Networking', aka the Total Success Coach, demystifies God's ancient wisdom and the three core foundational spiritual principles for total success in a simple, applicable and practical format.

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