Time for STEEMIT to put it's big boy pants on - PRIVACY MATTERS

As crypto-currency becomes more and more mainstream with every passing month, people need to be aware of the increasing dangers of theft and extortion. People are being held against their will and forced, in some cases, by gun point to transfer their entire crypto wallet contents to that of their captor. Just last month a Russian tourist was robbed of $100,000 after being blindfolded and kidnapped in his own apartment in Phuket, Thailand.

Don't think for a second that this couldn't happen in a first world country either, a New York man was forced by his "friend" to hand over $1.8m of ETH and this is a growing phenomenon.

This brings me to the lack of privacy in your Steemit wallet. I think it is very dangerous to openly advertise exactly how much someone has in their account and I understand that it may have been a decision around transparency in the early days but now as people flood to this amazing platform, it is long overdue to have the discussion around hiding these private details to the public. The potential harm that could be caused is nothing short of devastating, could you image if your bank account details were visible to the public?


  1. First upvote and share this post. We have to spread the word and get more people talking about this
  2. Write comments/posts to @ned and/or @sneak that we want this changed
  3. Vote for @fyrst-witness, as he is a witness that cares about our privacy
  4. Follow @fyrstikken and upvote his post here

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