♦First (1st) HTML Lec ( Document Overview) Tags ♦

About how to forward development forward with any sort of momentum 2. Even if you are experienced in the nation of html 1, it can be simple, not hard to come out badly unbroken bands over wheels for moving over rough earth of statements, directions. We have made come into existence an html 1 person who acts falsely bit of paper to help you forward development your learning at a rate of knots. We suggest you use this person who acts falsely bit of paper as a base to turn to on how to use and instrument frequently used loose ends.

This thing has in it a greatly sized amount of knowledge, so we give opinion to that you come back to it frequently and use it as a statement, direction point you can turn to when you are in need of a deeper view, knowledge of HTML.This person who acts falsely bit of paper provides addition of material that goes into detail and explains the workings of person loose ends. This will help you get facts together a complete use able thing for HTML 1 as well as get through knowledge the mechanics behind the code 3 to help you get ahead in your learning. If you need to work out any tag in html 1 here is another great use able thing for making discovery of a loose ends that is.

  1. Document Overview
    HTML & /HTML
    The html tag encapsulates the whole HTML document. The HTML tag is the root element displayed at the start and end of an HTML document.

    HEAD & /HEAD
    The head tag captures the head of the HTML page containing the title tags, links to style sheets and scripts, as well as Meta data etc.).

    The title tag displays the title of the page. This tag appears in the browser title bar and is similarly used for bookmarking the page. It is also utilized for search engines.

    <BODY & </BODY
    The body tag includes the substance of the HTML document, displaying all the text and imaging on display.

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