Promo-Mentors Writing Challenge with @evecab


Time For Challenges Again!

The winners of the last promo-mentor challenge were:

You guys should really check them out! Many of the entries where so amazing and emotional to read. It was hard for me to choose.

I apologize for being late on announcing the winners. I really wished I could read them all earlier but I this month I had personal matters that I had to attend to.

As each of the entries were equally good and the last contest did not have the pay out like we usually have, the rewards will be split evenly.

This Week's Challenge

We all have at some point in our lives made a huge mistake, either at school/university, at work, or in our personal lives that was so bad that it had disastrous consequences for you or your career at that time. We’re referring to an event that you would consider to be your biggest mess up of all times.... and surely everyone has one of those in their repertoire.

Fortunately, these mishaps make for a great story and a good laugh once the damage is controlled, even though in the very moment they were probably not funny at all!

This is your chance to share your story, so that we can have a great laugh on your behalf!

How it works

  • Write about one of your biggest mess up.

  • For your entry make a post titled "My Promo-Mentors Writing Challenge" (you can add a title to this) and use the tag #promomentors-challenge. Don't forget to link your entry below!

  • Good posts will be curated by me for @curie (@ocd is on a one week break now)

  • Deadline: Sunday April 8th @midnight GMT + 0

  • The 3 winners will receive 50% of the total rewards of this post and will be chosen by me and @evecab.

It’s always a pleasure for all of us at @promo-mentors to see you develop and improve your writing skills, and we are very much looking forward to reading all of your entries.

Let the fun begin!

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