BIG NEWS: Promo-Steem featuring at the London Cryptocurrency Show 2018

Amazing news!!! We will be featuring as Media Partners and keynote speakers at the show in April 2018.

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We are pleased to announce that the #promo-steem core team will be appearing at the London Cryptocurrency Show on the 14th April 2018.

We have been in negotiations for some time, and are happy to report that not only will we be presenting at the event, but we are also official MEDIA PARTNERS at the conference.

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After our appearance at the London Investor Show last year, and following on from the incredible feedback we received there, we are now becoming recognised as a real force in the blockchain world, and have the opportunity to speak to hundreds of investors about the work we are doing to raise the profile and value of the STEEM blockchain and the Steemit platform.

The Promo-Steem team

Leading the event is the core #promo-steem team of @stephenkendal, @anarcotech and @starkerz, along with the wonderful @allasyummyfood who will all be speaking at the event.

We will be hosting hour long presentations, and also moderating a number of live Question and Answer sessions with a panel of Blockchain experts in the fields of Crypto Investing in 2018 and beyond, Trading and Technical Analysis, Mining and ICO's.

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More importantly, this is a chance to show some serious investors just why STEEM is the number 1 blockchain, and showcasing the work that #promo-steem is doing, and what the now thousands of promoters all over the world are doing which is adding value to the blockchain and changing lives, especially in the developing nations.

This is a major coup for us, because it's showing that the key concept of creating a decentralized system of promotion and marketing, made up entirely of voluntaryists, is potentially the future of global collaboration and advocacy of ideas.

As media partners, we will get the opportunity to fill the event with images, info and the real story of how #promo-steem and @steem-ambassador is making things happen all around the world.

Come and join us at the event for FREE!!!

We will be taking with us a team of brilliantly talented Steemers to film and record the event, but we would like to invite any Steemian who wants to join us to come along and take part too. If you are a film-maker, sound technician, promoter, or just a supporter of STEEM, and want to be involved, please let us know, and we will be happy to have you

Even if you don't want to participate, you can register for the event absolutely FREE, but don't delay as we cannot guarantee how long the free passes will be available for.

We will organise a meetup after the event, and have a chance to see some of our friends and Steem-buddies from around London. At our last London meetup, we had a great turnout from Steemers from all over the UK and we all had far too much to drink!

Event Details

The event will be hosted at the Novotel London West, Hammersmith International Centre, Shortlands, London W6 8DR on Saturday 14th April 2018 and runs from 9am - 5pm. (Click here for a map)

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You can get a FREE ticket for the show by registering here

We will provide more details about the day in the coming weeks, along with a full itinerary, and latest news on the show.

We really hope to see you there!!!

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