Busy Little Bees - Who's been this weeks most prolific promoter?

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Who's been banging out the promo this week?

This time, it's a slightly longer time frame, mainly because I've been so ridiculously busy with behind-the-scenes #promo-steem related work, and It's taken me a few days to actually get 5 minutes to make a post.

Anyway, In a completely unexpected twist to this week's busy little bee rankings, @gold84 has smashed his way to the top. Again.

In the last week before the Steem Ambassadors come on line as the curators for the @steem-ambassador guild, I have been very interested to notice some absolutely incredible promotional work.

Of course, there is still a lot of spam out there. And this is one of the things the guild system is going to help to alleviate. We need to get more high quality posts on the tag, posts which are demonstrating high value promotional/educational/humanitarian activities (not just a bunch of people holding up a banner, offering no context or information to what they've done, and hoping to get paid).

So without further ado, here are the stats:

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And as usual, here are the top 10 in terms of votes. A very interesting set this time, and I'm going to do a post singling out one particular promoter who's cleverly using the #promo-steem tag to crowdsource materials for their promo activities, and these are ones which will have a lasting impact.

One of the nice things about doing this is that it's pointed me towards some promoters who aren't as well known to me, and given me the opportunity to go and take a closer look at what they're doing, and give them upvotes.

Here's the list of the top promoters by number of votes this week:

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Finally, here's a statistic for you. In the last 7 days, there have been over 700 posts to the #promo-steem tag. This is a slight increase on previous weeks. As we move towards the new guild system, and hopefully bringing in some more delegated SP to support promoters, we are doing all we can to try to make sure that great promo-steem posts are well rewarded.

All proceeds from this post are going to fund the STEEMStand at the London Cryptocurrency Show on the 14th April. If you don't already know, we have a huge stand at this show, which is going to be packed full of investors, speaking slots, and both myself and @starkerz will be appearing on the main auditorium stage, moderating live Question and Answer sessions with some big names in the cryptosphere.

Promo-Steem will be at the London Cryptocurrency Show 2018

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