On thursday, four members of the #promo-steem / #promo-uk team went out to tell the students of Leeds University about Steemit.
So some of us from the #promo-uk / #promo-steem core team @starkerz, @ashleypeat, @tomasgeorge and myself hit the streets, bars and campus of Leeds University, armed with flyers, business cards and a whole bunch of chat. We were keen to bring the message to brilliant, creative, fun people who had never heard of Steemit....And did we do that!
We gave out free t-shirts and hats, and had a whale of time encouraging literally hundreds of smart, funny, beautiful people to come and try Steemit out, and we got a great reception and had a whole lot of fun.
All in all we reckon we brought the Steemit message directly to somewhere in the region of about 150 people who listened intently and all promised to check it out. There are plenty more pictures to show, and I'll bob them on here later.
If you were one of these people, and you've signed up to Steemit, please leave us a comment so we can connect with you. You were all brilliant.