
Good morning guys, this is @bait002 the founder of the offline minnow school where minnows are mentored and groomed. Before anything today, I would like to wish my friend at the London crypto show a success. I would also like to say that you guys have been amazing and I hope your sacrifices pays big.

Today I will be talking on scaling. Have you ever done so much and feel you really need to settle on what you’ve achieved and take glory on that for the rest of your life? A mentor once told me this

your greatest enemy is your previous success. And the best distraction you can have could be none other than the voices of grateful men and women expressing gratitude for the kindness shown.

That got me thinking for a while but after a while I couldn’t but agree to that. It is possible to sit back just because we think we’ve done it all. After ever success I think one should ask himself or herself if that is all. What did you see before you decided to start living? Whatever it is that you are currently experiencing, is it in line with what you saw? If you saw yourself singing round the world, doing good music, then do not let the voices of your fans in your immediate neighborhood distract you.

This attitude towards life manifests itself everywhere. Amazingly, even here on the steemit it happens. I have heard several people come onboard with great visions and aspirations of what they would like their blog looks like and after a while they only settle for what’s working.

if what you will be settling for isn’t more noble and better than your initial expectation then never stop aspiring to have what you really want.

I have also seen steemians come here with different ideas in mind but after staying for a while, they had to answer a higher call. @pennsif made a blog post recently talking about how he found steemit with the initial intention to blog about homesteading but now, he has a great project that puts smiles of the faces of a lot of people. Does that mean he totally forgot about homesteading? No! he still does that but he found something bigger in the pursuit of his initial plans.

never undermine the power of what was initially intended, for it could lead you anywhere.

It’s okay to change plans but ensure that it’s worth it. I came here to blog about my lifestyle and do motivate people but after a while I noticed that steemit motivational writers in of greater need here. I still do motivation but I have taken it to a wider purview to enable me serve those who really need me here.

Don’t settle for how it used to be, there’s always a superior way.

I won’t be saying much on this today because, I would like to be concise and precise without asking for much of your time. I hope there’s wisdom in this for us all to apply. Keep expanding, always aspire to to more and most importantly never deviate from the initial vision you saw.

Thanks for stopping by my blog today. I deeply appreciate everyone one of you and I love you all. My best wishes to the promo-steem team on their quest today.

I am @bait002 and I'm a lover of steemit.


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