My First Piece of Steem Gear! // Supporting Actual Artists – Not Big Corporations

After 9 months on the platform… I finally have a piece of Steem Gear! I have been eying the amazing collection from the @gardenofeden - Epic Threads Botique and was thrilled to hear that they were packing suitcases full of gear to bring to the Steem Creators Conference.

You have probably seen a LOT of photos of me and my sister @maryjaney rocking our new hats the last few days, but I just wanted to take a moment and call special attention to the mission and values of The Garden of Eden – and why you should consider supporting them by purchasing a cool piece of Steem Gear.


Supporting Real Artists and Creators

Most pieces of Steem gear you see are mass produced through places like Amazon and the designer gets a very small chunk of the profits. With the Epic Threads Boutique, each piece is handmade by one of the amazing members of the @gardenofeden. I love knowing that my piece of gear was hand-painted with love and not just pushed through the corporate mill.

Each Product is Sustainably Sourced

One of the most wasteful parts of our culture is clothing. I personally choose to buy most of my clothes second hand for this reason. Buying brand new clothing feels a bit wasteful to me. I can hardly believe how expensive clothing can be, especially considering that most items don’t last very long for the cost. I actually did a whole POST on how I spend almost ZERO dollars on clothing by purchasing second hand, seasonally cycling, and selling back items I no longer use. So, you can see why I really jive with their mission.

There are literal TONS of clothing that get sent to landfills every year. The @gardenofeden crew uses clean items that still have a lot of life to them. This saves them from just becoming another piece of trash in the landfill. Not only are the materials responsibly sourced – but so are the paints and stencils!

This part really blew me away. At the conference, @quinneaker explained to me that they even save paint and paint supplies from the landfill. They keep an eye out for people who are trying to get rid of art supplies on Craigslist and sometimes even make their own paint supplies from scratch.


Every Sale Supports the Garden of Eden – Who Provide Tens of Thousands of Free Meals to Those in Need

Guess what? If giving away over 40,000 free meals last year wasn't enough, they actually do so much more. They also help people find shelter and a safe space for healing. After spending time with @saramiller, @everlove and @quinneaker this weekend – I am even more amazed by the work that they do and the giving spirit that they exude. I even got to have a Garden of Eden picnic in Vegas – all prepared by food they brought! It was the best meal I had the entire trip.


Besides Steem Gear - they also offer a host of other sustainably sourced and created products including:

  • High Vibe Health Supplements
  • Handmade Medicinal Jewelry
  • Custom, Vintage and Global Accessories and Apparel
  • Custom Handmade Knives
  • Smoke Blends
  • Tea Blends
  • Uber Dank Pantry Food Items

I probably missed a few... just check out their website see all of the cool products they offer.

They Accept Steem, SBD and Other Cryptocurrencies as Payment

I think this is so revolutionary and I love that we are seeing more and more products and services available for Steem. They have really been a pioneer in this space. This option allows people to treat themselves to a cool piece of gear with some of their Steem earnings.

Their website also does accept PayPal if you would prefer to use Fiat currency instead. I should mention here that I use the word payment, but they are technically not selling anything, it is all by donation.

I’ll Give a 100% Upvote to Anyone Who Buys a Piece of Steem Gear from Epic Threads Botique

Are you starting to think I’m sponsored by these guys? Haha think again! I’m just really pumped up about what they are doing and I can’t think of a better cause to support than the @gardenofeden.

Check out @erickpinos who decided to go online and buy a piece of gear after seeing a picture of it in one of my Vegas posts.


I love how giving this community is and I think that supporting each other is really important. If you decide to purchase a piece of gear and support these guys – please let me know in the comments and I’ll give you a 100% up vote. Please be honest here people. 😉

Photos of me and @maryjaney in Our New Gear!











If feels great to finally have a piece of Steem gear, and to be supporting such a great cause at the same time. Seriously, let me know if you decide to order something! Let’s blow these guys up with support!

Xo, Lea


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