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I was at the London Cryptocurrency Show on Saturday and what a buzz it was to see Steemit take the lime light. STEEM stole the show for various reasons: please read on for my interpretation of the day, the verdict and the legacy!

Sections to cover briefly:

The Stand;
The Presentation;
The Valuable Content of Film and Photography;
The Founding Team;
The People;
The Takeover;
The Legacy;


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The stand looked amazing and was testament to the skills of @creatocracy (graphic designer) and the vision and determination in the trio of @starkerz @anarcotech and @stephenkendal – the founders of promo-steem and the instigators of this great opportunity.

There were a few London based helpers the day before helping with the 7 hour installation – some further photos from @redrica here

It set the scene for a fantastic day and was a great base for all active members of Steemit to promote the platform from.


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The main presentation was expertly orated by @anarcotech, who talked the packed audience through 10 Reasons Why Steem Is The Number One Blockchain with considerable panache before introducing speakers who had travelled from around the world to speak about their STEEM projects : the mini speeches followed:

@dunsky speaking on the topic of esteem
@techslut on Utopian-io
@howo and @fredrikaa on SteemPress

@Anarcotech then covered the STACH Project in Nigeria (@ejemai could not make this but blogged about the reason here ) and Dylan passionately covered the humanitarian angle on @ejemai’s behalf)

@allasyummyfood - a Steemian success story
@mrs.steemit on Appics

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@Anarcotech then wrapped up the buoyant session with an audience Q&A.

For me it was impressive that we had overseas Steemians showing great commitment to support the promo-steem initiative. The commitment was in the form of time and money to travel these distances and to share well prepared slides about their project. I only speak one language and I find it highly impressive to see people public-speaking, which is stressful enough, in a second language.

So well done to @anarcotech for speaking in English rather than the native Yorkshire Tyke dialect!!

Our guest international Steemain speakers travelled from Russia, Israel, Norway, France and Germany. Now that is commitment - and in the audience we had Steemian guests from Holland, Italy, Belgium, Ghana and Ireland.


It was pleasure to meet @ashtv a professional videographer on Saturday. I intend to insert any links in here to his video posts as and when these are published. Ash was super busy all day with numerous video tasks across multiple cameras in multiple locations.

Here is a photo of @Ashtv – loving his voluntaryist job for the day:

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There were a number of other photographers / videographers as well including @colossus39, @neopch and @rod.crisafulli – so across the collection there will be plenty of fantastic footage and will be valuable content for the platform and for future promotion.


Just a few words about @stephenkendal @starkerz and @anarcotech - the founders of promo-steem and this opportunity.

@starkerz and @anarcotech managed & moderated stage debates and Q&A sessions for half a day each in a supplementary conference suite and did an outstanding job. I’ve shared a couple of photo’s here of them managing the stage. The photo of @starkerz is by @colossus39. The pressure and intensity of such an event is huge and I think they managed their time and logistics superbly.

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It was a pleasure for me to meet @stephenkendal for the first time and he was on hand on a few occasions when I had a couple of questions from event delegates just outside of my sphere of knowledge and he fielded these for me. Here is a picture of the guys at the end of the day sharing a well-earned pint.

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Guys - #MissionAccomplished!


I have been to many many events, mostly corporate, and never ever.....ever.... have I seen such a sustained buzz and sustained overspill from a single exhibition stand. The high-density presence in the promo-steem area lasted all day long.

This photo here illustrates the sheer number of people taking up a massive square foot area and all of them talking about Steemit. All this acting to create even more perpetuating interest in Steem and Steemit.

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Conversations with event delegates approaching the stand were geared towards promoting the platform and encouraging registration and investment. It was really useful that Utopian-io were actively supporting registrations on the day by assisting new users in real-time with locating an available desired username and by offering the individual an opportunity of an accelerated account with a small amount of delegated Steem Power.

One of the investors who asked me “What is the USP (Unique Selling Point) of STEEM?” - need only have looked around and would have seen:

  • the real show of force;
  • the passion for the platform
  • and the vibe around the stand,

Just the presence of so many active Steemians shows one of the best possible answers to the USP question!


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For me it was really great to meet so many people. With the sheer volume of people it’s difficult to get around everyone – so there are still loads of people from the list below I would like to speak with, learn from or work with:

And now in alphabetical order the account users I know attended include:

@adetorrent, @allasyummyfood, @anarcotech, @ashtv, @black-man, @breadcentric, @buttpacker (x2), @colossus39, @creatocracy (the stand graphic designer there in spirit), @cryptocurator, @dannyshine, @dunsky, @elear, @eroche, @exyle, @ezzy, @fredrikaa, @gillianpearce, @gisi, @hellouni, @hotmangoes, @howo, @ingaaa, @ivargereiko, @justyy, @lisadang, @lloyddavis, @marczanto, @mrs.steemit, @nanzo-scoop, @neopch, @rea, @redrica, @rod.crisafulli, @roelandp, @roxane, @simonjay, @soldier, @starkerz, @steevc, @stephenkendal, @stipm1024, @techslut, @thehipsterguru, @ultravioletmag, @ura-soul, @wehmoen

By my count there were at least 46 active Steemit accounts represented on the day; please let me know if I have missed anyone.

@ivargereiko has a blog with many more photos here.

I met some really wonderful people and had a great day– and there are a number of good contacts where I can see me connecting, helping, working with them and I look forward to carving out some time to make contact with them again very soon.

My Verdict for the day is 10/10. IT WAS OUT OF THIS WORLD!


IT was a PHENOMENAL DAY – I was buzzing for 24 hours+ afterwards - and I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a big butterfly effect from this that drives the STEEM PRICE NORTH!

This event categorically has a LEGACY and it is being carried across by 46+ Steemians and the rest of the community too!


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