SteemBird - Steemit Promotion Ideas with @dan-atstarlite

After having an amazing 2.5 hour converstation with @dan-atstarlite about steemit we decided that it was time to do a summary video so you guys got to hear what we were talking about without having to listen to us for too long. We aimed for a 5 minute video, but it ended up at 15 minutes, however, all very interesting stuff!


Dan makes up half of the @steembirds duo who are amongst the most talented singer / songwriters on steemit. After having seen them live at steemfest doing their quirky catchy tunes about steemit, I am honored to have been approached by Dan regarding how he can get involved in promoting steemit.

Here is a great video to give you an idea of the talent behind the @steembirds:

In our chat Dan discusses his ideas about how to promote steemit as follows:

1) Steemit @openmic tour

Dan wants to approach bars and universities who do open mics and live music nights to do his amazing performances in conjunction with promo-steem in order to promote steemit! This will give us lots of great content with wihich to make viral videos and hopefully lead to the world's first live stream live music event on a blockchain... :) Please support his Open-mic tour which he plans to do this 2018 summer!

2) Steemit Initiation Programme to Improve User Retention

How do we send new sign ups through an series of blogs that they can write themselves, where by doing so they can learn what the true potential of steem is. Learning by doing! Having completed the steem initiation blog series the new steemian will fully understand what steem is and have the foundations to become a model steemian! The hope is that this will improve retention rates!

3) Testing / Improving our On-Boarding Process at a University / Town

We need to find out what the best method is for onbaording - how can we hit a location with promo-steem and leave a lasting impression such that when we leave the steemit bug spreads on its own?

Great content, too good not to miss! Here is the video:

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