Introducing Steemit to Members of a Dance Crew of the Nigerian Youth Service Corp and promoting the Abuja-Nigeria steemit workshop.

Bringing entertainment to Steemit would be a very great achievement. Steemit can also be a place where people can log onto for the sole purpose of entertaining themselves with different dancing activities.



Making Abuja, Nigeria a great steemit adopted state, @jacobite and I went out to spread the Steemit knowledge to another Community Development Service Group that is made up of dancers, comedians and actors (theater art ). While at the venue, we made an unprofessional video of us before the introduction started.

Dance Rehearsal

Before the presentation, they had a quick practice, in preparation of their next dance performance, although we were not allowed to take pictures and videos but I had to plead for this video so that you all can have an idea of what they are up to.
Make sure you watch this rehearsal video, it’s not professional, but it will give you a glimpse of who they do, the taste of African dance and nice drum beats. It was recorded with my phone.

Nice dance by the crew.

Blockchain Dancers

Immediate after the performance, I stepped in with the following questions

  • Does anyone has cryptocurrency investment?
  • Who would want to become a blockchain dancer?

It was clear none of them had any cryptocurrency investments of any kind, I mean none was involved in hodling any coin, not even bitcoin. But my focus was mainly steemit, so I explained how they could buy steem when it was still cheap before it becomes expensive at the price of $50 - $100

I also show them how they can share their talents on steemit and get paid (Blockchain Dancers), how they can make tutorials, short videos and video adverts which will be beneficially share on steemit.

This part became very interesting and a lot of them started signing up at that spot, I will be hitting you up with their profiles as soon as they get confirmed.

other photos from the event.






keep smiling, reading, writing and upvoting.

You can check out my other promotional works, to see how the steemit community is growing in Nigeria.





Thank you.

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