More steemit accounts created: Introduced some great talented volley ball players

Today i have spent about 4 hours speaking to quite a number of sports men that reside at St. Michael hostel near Uganda Christian University. I managed to convince 3 of them in creating steemit accounts immediately with the help of my phone and internet data. There are as follows;


These are great sports men who have managed to secure several medals from the different sports events of their sports career.

This is @keddi with his achievements pined on the wall in the background.

This is @odeke with his volleyball achievements in the background.

And many more promised to signup on their own later on after reading more about steemit on the welcome page htts:// and check for more details of how it operates.

I first requested for permision from the security personnel guarding the hostel and the custodian of the place who granted me the permission to go ahead and share about this amazing steemit opportunity to the students. I went on knocking on the different doors of their rooms speaking to them about steemit and gave them my live testimony about how much steemit has impacted my life and how much i have earned so far in a space of 2 months and half. These became so excited about this platform and decided to join.

They never had internet data on their smart phones. I decided to help them out with mine together with my guidance inorder to have their accounts immediately created so that they can go into waiting for the period of a week.

I promised each of them some refreshments like soda as tocken of congratulating them for having obtained a steemit account and for joining this community. We will package this in a form of having a business breakfast where we as Uganda team will organise one for those whose accounts have been approved inorder to mentor each one of them on how to get started. I shall guide each of these in making their first introductory post.

With steemit these are going to become more winners by contributing to the community.

Thanks for reading and supporting.

Stay tuned for more.

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