First Meet up with Steemians in Medan, KSI Chapter Medan

One quotes said like this :
"sometimes you meet a person and you just click, you're comfortable with them, like you've known them your whole life, and you don't have to pretend to be anyone or anything."

I should to say thanks a lot to @danielniklaus, because if he didn't introduce me about, I won't never know about this awesome social media and some of other advantages inside. I was so lucky to find out earlier. Thanks niel hahaha :D

Saya harus berterimakasih banyak kepada @danielniklaus, karena jika dia tidak memperkenalkan saya tentang, saya tidak akan pernah tau tentang sosial media yang mengagumkan ini dan beberapa keuntungan lain didalamnya. Aku sangat beruntung untuk mengetahuinya lebih awal. Makasiiih niel hahaha :D

Let me to tell you a bit story.
So the short story, in our long text related to the project, suddenly daniel said to me:
"Fit, do u like writing? Try to join with steemit!"
without thinking to much, immediately I was click the link that he sent to me and I was join.
After that I asked him "what is this niel?"
and he answered "the social media that could give money when you write on"

And I was started to writing on Dec 31st for #introduceyourself

Begini ceritanya. Singkat cerita, di textingan panjang kita terkait dengan project, tiba-tiba daniel bilang, "Fit, hobi nulis? masuk steemit aja fit!" tanpa pikir panjang saya langsung klik link yang dikirimnya dan join. Setelah itu baru tanya "apaan sih ini niel?" dan dijawabnya "sosial media yang kita nulis di kasih uang"

Dan saya pun baru mulai menulis di 31 Desember untuk #introduceyourself.

After a few days later, Daniel invited me into the chat group KSI Chapter Medan, the name of the account is @steemit.medan. After introducing myself in the group and after some days I was followed the discussion, from the initiative by @auliausu we plan to meet up with the theme "Hospitality".
From this met up, I was met with some steemians like @auliausu, @uyak.wong and @elvizakiyah. Actually in this group there are so many peoples, but because unable to attend, so only four of us was gathered. So here we are... tadaaa ....

Beberapa hari kemudian si Daniel mengundang aku ke dalam grup chat KSI Chapter Medan, nama akunnya @steemit.medan. Setelah memperkenalkan diri didalam grup dan beberapa hari mengikuti perbincangan, atas inisiatif bg @auliausu kita pun berencana untuk meet up dengan tema "Silaturahmi". Disinilah saya bertemu dengan beberapa steemian medan seperti bg @auliausu, bg @uyak.wong dan kak @elvizakiyah. Sebenarnya di grup masih banyak lagi, tapi karena berhalangan hadir, jadi hanya kita berempat yang ngumpul. Jadi, inilah dia wajah-wajah kami ... tadaaa....

WhatsApp Image 2018-01-05 at 9.41.12 PM.jpeg

Source : @uyak.wong/malam-pertama-tak-kenal-maka-tak-sayang
Jan, 5st 2018

And again! Lucky me I was came. Because I still didn't had any idea exactly about steemit, however all that issue peeled by @auliausu and @uyak.wong. Even I still a bit confused, but I have idea for now and with in confidence slowly but surely, inshaallah definitely I'm sure that I can.

I wish steemians in Medan is getting bigger and cohesive, and I get acquainted with all of the famous steemians out there :D

Beruntungnya saya datang. Karena masih abu-abunya dengan steemit, namun semua itu dikupas oleh @auliausu dan @uyak.wong. yaa walaupun masih agak bingung sih, saya sudah tau apa yang akan saya lakukan untuk saat ini dan dengan percaya diri perlahan tapi pasti, inshaallah pasti saya bisa.

Harapan saya semoga steemians medan semakin besar dan solid dan bisa berkenalan dengan para steemians famous diluaran sana. Aamiin :D

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