STEEMIT: A Window of Opportunity is fast approaching and #promo-uk will grasp it and throw itself right in the middle. Freshers Week..!!


Freshers Week.jpg

Following on from my chats with Matt @Starkerz and Dylan @Anarcotech earlier today, I am pleased to announce that #promo-uk is currently working on its latest initiative.

In the next few weeks, U.K. Universities will reopen after the summer break, kicking off with Freshers Week.

Freshers Week will see an influx of hundreds of thousands of new students across all Universities concentrated in one place for a short period.

This concentration of Students presents STEEMIT with a Window of Opportunity..!!


After lengthy discussions with Matt and Dylan earlier, we have agreed to put together a schedule of dates and plan a collective #SteemRoadshow around the U.K promoting STEEMIT at these Freshers Weeks.

The proposal is that we attend as many of the Universities in their Freshers Weeks as we can.

Whilst out and about we intend to take along with us the Promotional Merchandise to assist us in the promotion.

Call-Off Agreement with the Printers

In order to support us on our #SteemRoadshow, I have set up a Call-Off Agreement with the Printers to keep us supplied with the Printed Merchandise as we need it, with an agreed 48 hour turnaround for distribution anywhere in the U.K.

By having this Call-Off Agreement in place with the Printers will allow us to "turn-up, turn-down" the supply of the Merchandised as we need it.

Schedule of Dates

Over the next couple of days I will publish a draft Schedule of Dates that we will work to and will update/amend it as we draw closer to the event.

Once again thanks for supporting #promo-uk and I am so excited to get the first #SteemRoadshow on the road.

Thanks again for reading.


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