Verify Your Degree #proofofdegree A New Tag For Verification of Advanced Degrees

This post has been modified after a discussion with @business

Many people on steemit make claim to possess advanced degrees (myself included). They generate blogs with detailed, in depth analysis of high level topics. The STEEM blockchain and steemit platform offer us the unique opportunity to provide permanent evidence of the possession of an advanced degree for any poster. This sort of verification may serve as a sort of piece of mind to users reading high level content, that the information being passed along is coming from someone who is accredited at being an expert in their field (whether that accreditation is a Bachelors, M.S., Ph.D., M.D., P.Ed. etc...)

I offer to you verification of my own Biochemistry Ph.D.:

Discretion of provided information is essential to prevent any sort of fraudulent activities. Thus on my diploma I have redacted name, any and all signatories names and signatures, as well as date upon which the degree was bestowed.
Other than the redacted information no other aspect of the image has been modified. A hand drawn note has been provided to provide authenticity to the document (it's actually in my possession!).

I encourage all other holders of advanced degrees to join me in verification of their own qualifications. Let us all together continue to work to provide great content to steemit, and serve as a source for the advancement of the knowledge of all who read our blogs.

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