BENSON'S FOLLY: episode 2

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Johnson was a thirteen years old boy. He was their fifth child of a family of eight. James and Jane were their parents. The family lived in Surulere as well. Actually, they were the next door neighbors to the kingleys.

The two families lived in the face to face apartment with other neighbors. While the Kingsleys rented two rooms, the James with their large number occupied just a room. It was really difficult for the James to survive. The room was overcrowded; therefore, at night, they often struggled to have space to sleep.

James, their father, worked as a gatekeeper in Ajegunle. He travelled down on a daily basis. His salary was too small to take care of his large family but he had to cope. Although he was very hardworking, honest, decent and loved in his neighborhood, making ends meet was a major challenge for him. As a matter of fact, James was disciplined and he never comprised on that. He taught his children about good morals and the virtue of integrity. It was evident in the lifestyle of his children. They were very cultured and loved.

To compound his problem, Jane, his wife, was a lazy woman. She had no business idea and even refused to make any attempt. All she did everyday was to cook whatever her husband could afford and at times even go borrowing for her husband to pay up later. That bad habit of hers always made her husband indebted to many. At times, James quarrelled with his wife but later they settled their differences with maturity. However, he advised his children not to copy the bad habits of their mother. Despite James' strong detest fur his wife's attitude, she refused to change. Therefore, he accommodated his wife weakness.

Furthermore, James had no formal education, neither did his wife. As a result, they didn't develope serious interest in their children's education. Even though they enrolled them in the public school in the community, their intention was to keep them busy until when they could be old enough to learn a trade of their choice.

Johnson's elder brother and sister had already been enrolled as apprentices immediately after they finished primary school. Johnson understood the usual practice in his family and was ready to be enrolled too when the time came.

Johnson in his ignorance envied his brother and sister because they had started fending for themselves. They no longer fully depended on their parents for their needs. Johnson believed that was the norms and the best way to live, so he was anxious to follow suit soon. One day while in the veranda, the family was in a relaxed mood catching fun. James then asked Johnson what trade he would love to learn.

That day, Johnson was very excited and said "mechanic ".

"why", asked his father. Johnson could not give reason. He claimed he loved to become one.

Interestingly, Johnson and Benson had several things in common. They were age mates, neighbors, classmate, and indeed good friends. Most times, Benson shared his things with Johnson in an attempt to make him happy. Obviously, the Kingsleys were better off.

The major differences between the jolly friends were in their attitude. While Johnson was hardworking, enterprising and very intelligent, Benson was very lazy, nonchallant and full of excuses for his actions and inactions.

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