Popcorn: 15 Facts Found. By @sweetjoy

While shopping for delicious snacks I was pleasantly surprised. My favorite snack popcorn, in it's natural form.

I usually by these other two brands. Fresh unprocessed popcorn is really the best.
Here are 15 facts that you may not know about lovely popcorn.

1). Popcorn was eaten by
Native Americans with milk and sugar. Like we eat cereal today.

2). Popcorn was eaten with molasses. Like we have kettle corn today.

  1. Popcorn machine was invented in 1885 in Chicago by
    Charkes Kreters.

  2. Because the popcorn machine was mobile and ran on a gasoline burner, many vendors set up in front of theatres. That's why popcorn is the main snack in theaters today.

  3. Popcorn contains high fiber with protein of grains not found in fruits and veggies.

  4. Earliest popcorn found in 1848 by Herbert Dick and Earle dated back 5,600 years.

7). Aztecks, Iroiqois, people from North America, South America and all used popcorn for food, decoration and ceremonial purposes. Many children today make necklaces for jewelry and Christmas trees.

8). 17 billion quarts of popcorn are consumed per year.

9). Popcorn is thought to be unhealthy. Microwave popcorn has carcenogens. Too much butter increases cholesterol. But air pooping and a little seasoning is very healthy.

10). They call the place in Utah where 1,000 year old popcorn was discovered the "Bat Cave".

Mr. Tez of New Mexico places corn on a plate outside his door. Can you guess what that's for?
Research that for fun!!

Until next time Steemers!!
Researched and written by joyce hutton all rights reserved 2018

I googled and got info from
The Popcornboard
And the Spruce. For sources
I talked Mr. Tez of New Mexico.

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