What Exactly is Ayahuasca? How Should You Prepare for a Ceremony?

I've had many people ask me about Ayahuasca lately. People want to know more about the origin of Ayahuasca; where she comes from, how she's made, how she is administered (I say "she" because this brew has very strong feminine energy), and what you should do to prepare. Some people think this is a good way to prepare for an Ayu ceremony, but Barry will soon release all the details you need to know that are directly related to the ceremony in Acapulco.

Ayahuasca is typically used as a spiritual medicine by Indigenous people of the Amazonian. The brew is normally made from the Psychotria Viridis leaf (which contains dimethyltryptamine, or DMT), and the Banisteriopsis Caapi vine (the Monoamine oxidase inhibitor, or MAOI). Ayahuasca is known as an entheogen brew, which means that it "generates the divine within" through the induction of psychological or physiological changes.

The brew itself involves a lot of time, patience and love. Below is a great video I found on how Ayahuasca is made.

Why Does Ayahuasca Contain Two Different Plants?

This is a miraculous brew that brings out the power of both plants. The psychotria viridis leaf (DMT) would not give you a hallucinogenic experience without the Banisteriopsis Caapi (MAOI) vine. Our gastrointestinal tracts contain enzymes known as MAO-A and MAO-B. They protect us from potentially harmful foods. Without the MAO Inhibitor, the enzymes in our guts would break down DMT before it even hit our bloodstream. The MAOI temporarily suspends the barrier provided by these enzymes, and allow the DMT to be absorbed. This is why it is so important to avoid certain foods, drinks, and medications before and after you ingest the Ayahuasca brew.

How to Prepare for Your Ceremony

They say Ayahuasca is a jealous brew. When She has you, She wants you all to herself.

I prepared for my Ayahuasca ceremony four weeks in advance. I did a complete colon cleanse, avoided acidic foods, and ate a vegan diet. You don't have to be as serious as I was, though. It is only recommended that you avoid certain foods and beverages 24 hours before and after your ceremony. Another thing to avoid is foods that contain a high level of tyramine. With an MAO Inhibitor, tyramine can be freely absorbed in heavy amounts; higher than what the body can handle, and thus can cause hypertension.

List of foods you should avoid:

Meat that is not fresh – especially liver.
Processed meats such as sausage, bologna, pepperoni, salami etc
Protein extracts
Protein dietary supplements
Aged cheese
Any fish that is not fresh or has undergone some form of treatment (for example, smoked, fermented, pickled or dried fish etc.)
Yeast in any form
Soy sauce and fermented soybean paste
Fermented tofu
Fermented bean curd
Canned soup, bouillon or ant soup with protein extracts in.
Miso soup
Fruit that is bruised or overripe.
Dried fruits including, but not exclusive to, raisins and figs.
Avocado and guacamole
Any alcoholic drinks and their non-alcoholic variants (for example non-alcoholic beer).
Dairy products that have not been refrigerated or are close to their expiration date.
Shrimp paste
Fava beans
Large amounts of peanuts
Large amounts of raspberries
Large amounts of spinach
Large amounts of chocolate

Drugs & Medication Unsuitable for use with Ayahuasca:

Other MAOIs
SSRI’s (any selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor)
Appetite suppressants (diet pills)
CNS (central nervous system) depressants
Amphetamines (including meth and dex, variants)
Antihypertensives (high blood pressure medicine)
Medicine for asthma, bronchitis, or other breathing problems
Antihistamines, medicines for colds, sinus problems, hay fever, or allergies (Actifed DM, Benadryl, Benylin, Chlor-Trimeton, Compoz, etc.)

For a complete list of certain drugs to avoid, click here for more information.


It is also recommended that you refrain from having sex 3 days before and 3 days after your ceremony. I personally believe that this is recommended because abstinence harnesses your creative energy. And if you can refrain from having sex for a week, I believe you can get a lot more out of your Ayahuasca experience.

I actually didn't follow this during my first ceremony. Within a day, I had sex (even though my very loud inner voice was screaming, "No! Don't let anyone in!") I didn't listen, and afterwards I felt pretty depleted of my energy.

I've personally made the commitment to harness my sexual energy much longer than 6 days before the ceremony in Acapulco. As I plan to undergo shamanic practice in the near future, it is a practice to withhold from sex for long periods of time. I've actually been practicing this for the last two months, and have found I have much more creative energy than I did having a normal sex life. I actually like it better than having a regular sex life, but to each their own.

I hope this article helped in the process of understanding who Ayahuasca is, and what she can do for you! There is a sort of magic in this brew, and after experiencing a ceremony, I have become absolutely fascinated! If you are planning on attending the ayahuasca ceremony after Anarchapulco, Barry will soon release all the details you need to know that are directly related to the ceremony.

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