Start Your Road Towards Success Today - Use the Power of Visualization

Our mind is super powerful tool to use for achieving anything we want. Some simple mental techniques and incredibly strong belief will lead you to an entirely new level in your life. Visualization is something similar to meditation with a huge difference though. :) To visualize concentration and full relaxation is needed, however your brain should be working and imagining all things you want achieve. It’s very important to visualize yourself as if you already have all things you crave for. Using this technique, you can achieve both short and long term goals.

It is widely believed that visualization serves as a message, a request to the whole universe, and different kind of situations, lots of new people and opportunities start to come into your life once after the request had been made. It may sound unbelievable now but you have to try it to see what you can achieve with this technique. But it’s VERY important that the moment you start using the technique you truly believe in its efficiency. Otherwise it just doesn’t work as the message you send to the universe is “I don’t believe it, it surely does not work”, and it won’t, as only things we believe in exist in our lives.

Using this technique, you learn to completely concentrate mentally while totally relaxing physically. In such a state you can gather all inner resources of your mind at both a conscious and subconscious level and then work on making the changes you want and achieve the goals you’ve set.

I believe you may be skeptical about this technique, so let’s see how it works regarding medical aspects. Visualization works as self-hypnosis, and self-hypnosis is a technique that is medically recognized. It uses inborn mental powers to improve and promote mental and physical progression. Although it’s not entirely known how hypnosis works yet, there are some theories on that.

One of the theories is that during the hypnosis conscious mind goes to the background and you or your therapist are working with your subconscious mind. It is also known that during the hypnosis the activity in the left cerebral hemisphere is diminished and in the right cerebral hemisphere the activity increases. This change in the communication between the two hemispheres of the brain could be decisive factor regarding hypnosis.
Another observation and theory is that during the process of hypnosis brain waves are changed. Brain waves are created by electrical pulses which occur from neurons communicating with each other. There are four brain waves: Alpha, Beta, Delta and Theta. Studies show that during hypnosis our brain is at Theta brain wave, which is also observed during meditation, daydreaming, or even during light sleep. The same waves are responsible for our intuition.

It’s also believed that no one can bring you in a state of hypnosis if you don’t want to and that during hypnosis you stay actually in control, so it isn’t possible to make you do something you really don’t want to. Hypnosis is used to help you to relax thoroughly, listen to yourself and find out what you truly want, think and believe in. After such introspection and private time alone with yourself you’ll be able to get rid of depression, get better understanding of your needs and desires, solve self-esteem issues, eliminate stress, etc. Nice side effect are that it improves your memory and ability to concentrate.

Although visualization is very powerful you should definitely avoid using it while you’re using alcohol or drugs. Also, it’s better to consult your therapist before using it as self-hypnosis is not recommended for people who have any psychotic symptoms.

Of course, do not forget, that after any visualization actions are needed, visualization just gets the opportunities to us, but we have to make decisions and take actions.

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