10 More Barely Legal Psychological Life Hacks

You are here to win at Steemit. Winning Steemit uses the same tips and techniques used to win at life!

Want to change reality for you and others? Appear more attractive to the opposite sex? Get your bosses favor for that high dollar promotion?

Here are ten more Psychological Life Hacks to make you win at life!


Link to Part 1 10 Barely Legal Psychological Hacks Part 1

10 more barely legal psychological life hacks that give you MIND BLOWING powers!

1. Small Steps Become Big Steps

If you have a big goal, refuse to look at the finish line. You will get there faster! Looking at it will just make it seem far away. Instead, take small steps daily toward your goal. Want to write a bestselling novel? Carve out 15 minutes a day and write. You will find that usually the time goes longer because you’re already on a roll. Trying to lose 30 pounds? Today, eliminate sodas. Tomorrow, commit to doing squats during the commercials. Baby steps will get you to your destination.

Middle? What middle?

2. If you Can't be First, Last is Best. I promise ;)

In a sequence of events, what happens first and last are going to plant their butts on the comfy chair in our mind and take control of the remote. They remain in our memory stronger than anything in the middle. It’s called the Serial Positioning Effect. Using this in a job interview for example- impress them with something big at the start, and finish with a bang. They will remember the beginning and end cuz they're STILL in the house, eating all the chitlins. They are the ham AND the burger.

3. Chew Your Way to Confidence

You may have seen the old trick of eating an apple when you are on the phone with your love interest on Seinfeld. It really works. By chewing on an apple or gum in a nervous situation, you are tricking your brain into thinking you are comfortable. Use this trick whenever you are in an anxious situation- meeting the in laws or bungee jumping.

4. Feet Don’t Lie

Keeping a subtle eye on a person’s feet during a conversation can tell you a lot. Generally, if their feet are pointed away from you they are disinterested or untrusting. You’re saying the right things if they are pointed toward you. When you walk up to a group if they only turn their torsos to you, they are not interested in bringing you into their conversation.

5. You Are Contagious!

Well, your emotions are! Unconscious or not, people tend to pick up on your emotions. If you make yourself excited or happy before you see someone you like, they will pick up on it and adjust their emotions to be similar.

6. Cool as a Cucumber

When someone is angry with you, remain outwardly calm. It will distract and frustrate them because they are not “getting” to you. If it’s a bully situation, they will be less likely to pick on you in the future, favoring their sights on a more emotional victim.

7. You Are Who You Hang With

The types of people and how you keep your environment effects your mood, productivity, and others perception of you.

8. Say My Name!

Talking to someone by using their name suggests that you consider them important and memorable, and so they are more likely to find you more likeable, agreeable, and personable. Additionally, find out how people like to think of themselves (what is their self-image) and reinforce this to enable them to favor you even more. This also helps you remember names easier.

9. Quality Over Quantity.

Wins every time. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well.

10. Fake it Till You Make it

This can apply to almost anything. If you want to be happy, smile and walk with a spring in your step. Try it- it works! Eventually you will become happy. Want to be perceived as an expert in your field? Act in such a manner as you would in that scenario while you are researching and studying. You’ll be surprised at the results!

Bonus- Use Power Words

Replace I think and I believe with I know and I will.

Want to win at life? Follow @ArbitraryKitten ;)

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