Amtrak Derailment and How to Help Ease PTSD Before it Sets in

The train derailed just minutes from me at 7:30am. My boys and I are supposed to be heading south to @jewels3, and Amtrak is one of the travel options we were considering, so this is a bit too close to home, and I have been fielding concerned inquiries today from loved ones who weren't quite sure of my actual travel itinerary.

I am not comfortable posting photos here, if you wish to view the disaster you can view it elsewhere online.

This has shaken me up a bit. With us having been considering the train, and this happened just minutes from our home... I am in a little bit of shock, I have yet to process this on a personal level.

After the train derailed off the bridge and onto rush hour morning traffic on Interstate 5, a young couple immediately jumped on board and went through all 14 cars, helping the non seriously injured off the train for 12 minutes until emergency services arrived. As of this writing, 4pm, there are still people on the train. It is a very surreal and there will be many mental and emotional traumas.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all involved.

When my middle son was 10 he was attacked by 3 Bull Mastiffs. He had a long recovery with over 200 bites, and some more serious injuries but I will not be graphic here. He was transported to Harborview Hospital, which has one of the best trauma departments in the country. In conjunction with University of Washington Medical Center, which is the # 1 Magnet School in the nation for med students, he received life-saving surgeries and procedures, then began his long road to recovery.

My son was asked to take part in a PTSD study to see how video games impacted victims of trauma. The study involved full access to non violent video games on Wii and playstation in his hospital bed. He played games whenever he felt up to it, including after he got home for his month long home recovery.

The studies showed that playing non violent video games activates a part of the brain which overrides the part that holds on to the traumatic event. The best results are if the victim is able to begin playing within 4 hours after the event.

My son did very well, he is not afraid of dogs and in fact has been begging me for a Bull Mastiff. He had nightmares but they tapered dramatically the first year. I actually suffer greater after effects than my boy.

Writing about the trauma is helpful as well. I use this a lot. The first time is always the hardest, but you heal as you write.

A traumatic event will impact those involved for the rest of their lives. I am a big proponent for anything to help ease or prevent the daily hell that is PTSD. I pass along this information to help ease hearts and lives.

My heart goes out to all of those involved, including the First Responders. They place themselves in life threatening situations to save lives, and they suffer the after effects too.

Be safe my friends. And hold your loved ones tight tonight.

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