Call me Ugly in a Sweet voice. Please :)

I was inspired to share this because of a post @krnel shared today.

We all have heard how our thoughts affect our reality and those around us. We are told that if we have negative thoughts, the outcome will most likely be a failure. Why is this?


And of course the opposite happens when you think “I Will Succeed!” You exude energy and confidence and in turn attract spectacular experiences and triumph!

Every thought you think and word you say has energy which transforms you and the world around you.

I stumbled across this research by Masaru Emoto a few years ago, and my boys and I decided to conduct an experiment on both the power of words and the power of the emotions used with the words.

We cooked a batch of white rice and placed one cup each into three sterilized jars, sealed them, and placed them in a dark, unused pantry.

We labeled the jars Beautiful, Ugly, and Ignored.

Twice a day we would take each jar out and talk to it.

To the Beautiful rice, we would tell it in a happy, soothing voice how beautiful it is, what good rice it was, how nice it was having it around.

We would belittle and degrade the Ugly rice, telling it in a harsh voice how ugly and disgusting it was, and how we wish we didn't have to look at it.

We did absolutely nothing to the Ignored jar. Didn't take it out or speak to it. Essentially ignored it.

After 30 days we observed the rice.

The results were quite profound.

The Beautiful rice had turned a light brown hue and smelled slightly earthy and sweet. Not unpleasant at all.

The Ugly rice smelled rotten and was black/brown, molded and nasty.

But most astounding of all was the Ignored rice.

We had originally thought the ignored rice would rot at about the same rate as the Ugly rice. But, it turned out the Ignored rice was the most revolting of all. It was surprisingly teal in color, but the smell was terribly vile. Absolutely rancid and festering.

Words are important, but not nearly as important as the energy and intention behind how you use them.

We immediately began a second experiment. Sterilized the jars and steamed a new batch of rice.

This time we were loving and nice to the Ugly rice, telling it how revolting and disgusting it was in a pleasing and nurturing voice.

The Beautiful rice was told delightful things about itself in a repugnant, hostile tone.

And again, feeling the emotions as we spoke to the rice. (This is harder than you'd think! Try telling something how lovable and sweet and fun it is in a harsh, mean tone!)

We didn't need the Ignored rice for this experiment, so we did not prepare a third jar.

At the end of this 30 day experiment:

The Beautiful rice was not pretty at all. It was in the same shape as the Ugly rice had been last month, moldy and disgusting and made you vomit in your throat from the smell.

And after telling Ugly rice ugly words in a nice way, Ugly rice was sweet and not rotten in the slightest.

It’s not about the words, it’s about the meaning and energy behind your words and thoughts. Have you ever heard someone tell you the words “I love you” but you didn’t feel they meant it? Well, you guessed it- you were probably right.

Don't take my word for it, conduct the experiment yourself. It will have profound effects on how you view reality.

Thoughts create energy, and energy is the form of all life.

-to see the photos from the experiment, please check out

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