Signs~ Trusting the Higher Vibrations

Sometimes, to attain clarity in a situation, I allow my worry, or the situation, to move forward on its own. I let it go with the wind per say.

With nothing but positive intention and trusting the infinite, I ask quietly and trustingly that I may see a sign whether whatever is in question will move forward or is a good decision.

How do you actually "see" the signs? The universe always throws hints at us. Whether it may be your instinct telling you, something you see happen right in front of you, something you read that completely goes with the situation and even sometimes someone will come up to you and offer you the solution without you asking! All you have to do is surrender your control to the universe.
Not all the time do I get the answer I want to hear, but I trust what it may be. It has worked for me always and has led me on the right path. Some will call refer to this as "let go and let God," or trusting the universe and learning the art of surrender. If we allow energy to guide us we will certainly find the right path.

all images and content are my original work, please ask before borrowing

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