Unlocking Your Full Potential- Attaining Your Goals

Think of one goal you have had for more than 6 months. Now ask yourself, "What has been holding me back?"
I can almost guarantee they are excuses made by none other than yourself. Unfortunately we tend to be our own worst hurdle.

Whether we stunt our growth out of fear, lack of confidence or support, it is usually us that prevent our goals and dreams from becoming a reality. Do you think if you would have started working towards achieving your goal it would have already been met? Do you see yourself still in the very same position 6 months from now? Did you know that by following the tips I am about to share with you you will be on your way to achieving your goals? I hope you are smiling and have realized that attaining your goals might be easier than you thought!

  1. Make your goal visible and audible.
    If you are able to see your goal whether it is in writing or through an inspiration goal, our mind feels it is more tangible than what we'd think otherwise. Seeing is believing and being able to see your goal makes it more realistic. Also, by telling others, whether it may be on social media or conversation, we realize we have told others and this might motivate us to act upon realizing our dreams. It's like we are cheering ourselves out loud. And others will most likely by supportive and ask you where you are at along the way, thus reminding you and keeping you going.

2 Break it down and set time frames. If your goal or dream seems to big and exhaustive, break it down into smaller time frames. For example, make a 1 week milestone in which you will take time to figure out what you need to get together. Then in another month set another milestone, then 6 months and a year. Write down what it is you wish to accomplish by those times and before you know it you have made your dream a reality!

3 Be committed. Commit to yourself this is what you want and this is what you'll have. After all it is your goal and you will benefit the most out of achieving it. If you fall, dust yourself off and recommit yourself. You have to remember you are your biggest cheerleader!

By following these tips you will see a great difference in getting to where your inspiration board tells you you should be at.

What is a goal you have made for yourself to achieve by the end of the year?

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