Motivation Moment #12 - "How to STAY Motivated?"

It's the start of the year, you've set some wonderful goals for the year. You are motivated to Go for It! You promise it won't be the same as last year.

So you get pumped up, buy a stack of self-help books and listen to motivational podcasts daily on "how to stay positive and motivated" and repeat your own little mantras every morning.

"I'm ALL IN!!"


You Rinse and Repeat, Rinse and Repeat. It seems to be working.

It's now February, and you are already beginning to feel a little deflated.

You stopped working towards the goals you set out initially. And then you start feeling guilty that you have missed a couple of action steps. And then you miss a few more...

Very soon, it's coming to the end of the long (yet short) month! What happened along the way?


For whatever reason, the things that you were motivated about seemed to be a little less motivating after a while. That's the motivational trap!

It traps us, because we do not realize we're waiting for EXTERNAL STIMULUS (like our Favourite Fitness Buddy or Instructor, the Opinions of Others, Things we Need/Want, or at Work $ Remuneration + Bonus, plus our Environment) to get us motivated.

I love this RSA Animate seen in the video below, (adapted from Dan Pink's book "DRIVE") which illustrates the hidden truths behind...

"What Really Motivates Us!"

Dan Pink claims that we will often be MOTIVATED to carry out any Tasks/Goals that are MORE Internally Driven vs. Externally.

And there are 3 Factors WHY...

  1. Purpose - Passion behind a meaningful purpose will make you and I more engaged and motivated.
  2. Mastery - We all want to grow and develop at something, and this mastery will give us a sense of personal fulfillment.
  3. Autonomy - His research show that people desire more autonomy is four key areas... task, time, techniques and team.

So when you and I are seemingly losing motivation, it is because we may be relying more on the External Motivations vs. our Intrisic Motivations.

I like the statement...

"While you’re waiting on Motivation, Motivation is waiting on you."

And in reality, we need to start taking action steps forward.
Remember that Motivation does not precede action, ACTION precedes Motivation.πŸ‘πŸ‘


Q: What valued actions are you committed to take, in line with your Internal Drivers - your Purpose, Mastery & Autonomy?

Start there. Start today.

Stay tuned for more "Motivation Moments"...

Mel @coachmelleow


Everyone needs a little push, a little encouragement, a little inspiration ~ every single day. That's why I created Motivation Moments to help you move forward.

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