NEPOTISM -- A Practice Affecting Business's Performance & Degrading It's Future Slowly But Considerably ...!!!


We humans have a whole different aspect when it comes to dealing with other humans. Sometimes we develop feelings for other people and start to respect them. Out of this respect we make some people our favorite. These favorite people may be our friends, relatives, neighbors, co-workers or our peers. We develop favoritism for many people in our lives and we like them to grow and flourish irrespective of their skills or talents. We always give them chances out of favoritism.

Favoritism is common among children. It can be seen more often that one child is favored over others in a family. Family fulfills the demands of one child irrespective of the nature of that demands. Other children don't get the same amount of favoritism from the family member or relatives. 

Now what do Favoritism has to do with Nepotism? What is this Nepotism in the first place?

Well, simply speaking Nepotism is just like Favoritism but in corporate environment or in job/services industry.

As per Google, Nepotism means: a practice of favoring relatives or loved ones over others by the people of power and influence in a corporate organisation.

So, Nepotism means when a person who is a relative or a friend of the owner of a business gets the job easily on owner's recommendation, sometimes without proper staffing procedures.

Nepotism has always been an evil for corporate environment. It degrades the motivation among employees by watching others getting promotions on the basis of their relationship with owners. Sometimes, some people get hired solely on the basis of nepotism irrespective of their merit or qualification to the job they're being recruited for.


How does it affect Business and Employee's Performance?

There are a lot of factors working here in  case of Nepotism. It generally affects the employees performance directly along with their morale and motivation level. Some of the effects of Nepotism I have compiled below:

Morale Lowering

Having seen others get promotion/reward out of nothing, employees lose their motivation to work in that particular business environment. Someone specific gets favored by the boss/owner because of the friendly relations between them, irrespective of the level of work has actually been put by that person for the organisation. May be that person is dull or complete stranger for the type of work he's being hired for, but still he gets the favor from the owner of the business out of nepotism.

Low Quality Of Work

When people with none to low skills gets hired for a job position out of nepotism, generally the quality of work falls down rapidly of that particular job or business. For a high quality work, a person with specific skill set and talent is always required by the company. If in this case, company would hire those with no experience and no skill set, automatically the business's performance will go down for sure.

Low Co-ordination Among Employees

Nepotism has always been a severe cause of low co-ordination and integrity among employees. If a person who gets hired solely on the basis of nepotism, obviously don't have the skill set required for the job and thus he would not be able to co-ordinate with others while working on a project, resulting the low business performance.


So, these are the main and important drawbacks of nepotism which affects the business's performance and degrades the goodwill of a company slowly but crucially. Company's future will fall under dark clouds if it would allow people to get hired out of nepotism instead of talent and skill set or experience.


Thanks for reading..!!!

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