Procrastination -- A Habit Turned Evil For Life & Career !!

As a human being, we always try to seek comfort instead of hard work. Because everything we make up our mind to do is uncertain and outcomes are unknown. And our brain is designed to keep ourselves safe from any kind of danger or uncertainities, that's why we resist fear of change. Fear of change or uncertainity mostly don't let us do what needs to be done and we hold ourselves back from some important work or task. This is what we call Procrastination. 

Let's understand Procrastination and it's negative effects.

What is Procrastination?

As per Google, Procrastination means: delay or postponement of action

Simply speaking, Procrastination means when we willfully delay our work, although we know it's importance but because of other irrelevant factors, we delay or postpone that work anyway. 

I am sure Procrastination has it's roots deep in human nature. Even the best of the best delays his/her work at some point of life. To be Honest, I am also a Procrastinator to some extent.

Everyone falls victim to procrastination at some point of their lives. Basically, it begins with a small habit of delay a small work in childhood. As the time passes, this habit becomes a nature and it inherits our mind and eventually become the way we live our lives. 

There are various factors which contributes to Procrastination:

Fear Of Change: This is one fear, most people are being afraid of. Most of the people fears a change because it threatens the way a person is living his life by introducing some uncertainty which our mind tries to avoid. That's why it is a great contributor to the Procrastination. 

Uncertainity: Well, this one is the obvious. There's always uncertainity in our every action. Whatever we put our mind to, there's always a risk of unknown. We don't know what happens next and because of it we try to avoid the things we need to do in our life. Procrastination if exists for a long time, can really do much damage to the well-being of a person.

Fear Of Failure: Every time we try to do something new, let's say Brain has to start a business but there's already a significant number of same businesses running in a particular area where Brain wants to set up his business. Now, there would be a significant percentage of failure of business Brain wants to set up. By looking at the odds, Brain would either Procrastinate this idea of Business or drop it altogether.

Well, These are some factors which contributes to the habit of Procrastination. 

Now Let's talk about the Damage it does to the well-being of a person.

  • Procrastination degrades the quality of life. If you procrastinate the things which is important for your well being then of course, quality of your life would degrade for sure. 
  • Procrastination can be a big hurdle to your career or work. A study proves that, people who procrastinates more never do better in their career, business or work. Because this habit or let's say mentality never allow them to do what needs to be done. Instead, they procrastinate their work on to the tomorrow. 
  • Procrastination can also cause mental disorders like anxiety, tension or even disease like migraine. Because when we procrastinate things, we would be left less time to complete it at some point and then we try to hurry that work and thus falls victim to anxiety or mental depression. 
  • Procrastination can make you feel helpless all the time because it takes away your ability to do the right thing and the right time and that's why people feel helpless when they fails to do the work on time. 

So, these are some Procrastination effects which could severely affect us in our life. 

Procrastination needs to be controlled at a young age because if it becomes a habit, then it would definitely affects the whole life aspects of a person. Whether it's career, relationships, job, work or business, one can feel some degradation to their well being for sure. 

So, develop a habit of doing right things at right time. Don't leave any work on tomorrow. Do it now or be ready to face the consequences in future. 

Thanks for reading ..!!! 

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