What Is Altruism? Is It Good To Be A Part Of It ? -- Most Importantly It's Benefits On Steemit ..!!


Most people believe in Selfless acts. Majority of people believes in the fact that you should give first in order to recieve it later. If commonly discussed, it feels similar to kindness and helping others. And it really is the selfless acts of kindness. But some studies proves that altruism can make your life cheerful and full of joy. Also it gives a feeling of self-satisfaction.

Most people today don't believe in selfless acts and they believe in the philosophy of 'Everyone for himself''. But for those people, it actually does a lot better. People who always get focused on themselves generally suffers from stress and anxiety. And doing some acts of altruism can be really good for their health as well as mental well being.

Let's discuss Altruism in Detail:

As per Google, Altruism means: acts done out of selflessness , without receiving any rewards in return. 

Simply speaking, When a person do a favor for someone without wanting anything in return, then it could said an act of altruism. 

Although there are some downsides of it too like when a person do a lot of selfless acts and not get anything in return for a long time, he might be suffered from anxiety, stress and low self-esteem at some point of time. Excessivness of everything is bad and Altruism in no exception to this rule.

Human is the only animal which is capable of kindness as well as extreme violence. Our kindness connects us with our humanity and makes us human. On the other hand, our violence represents our animalistic features and a dark side.

Source : ALTRUISM now a days. 

Personally, I believe Altruism is very important for everyone in this World. Apart from giving you the mental satisfaction and stress free life, altruism also helps us to be better. Sometimes thinking about someone else's problem would give you a relief from your own problems and thus your anxiety levels reduces so say we speak. 

World needs acts of Altruism. Even Mr. Warren Buffet himself said '' Only way you can receive is after you give as many things as you can to this World''.

How Acts of Altruism can help people on Steemit ?

People are actually using steemit only as medium of generating income instead they should use it as a medium to connect with people all around the World, who needs your help to be better. And if you would help them selflessly, then they would surely help you in return.

Selfless help doesn't mean you follow them blindly or spamming their comment box with ''Nice article'' type comments. Rather tell them their weakness, give them your genuine opinion and do not expect anything in return. If you would expect the person doing the same thing for you, then you would generate stress about it. 

Steemit is not an overnight success method, it is a genuine platform which needs hard work and co-operation from others to make you successful. Use your Altruism acts genuinely with a view to help others and wait for their selfless replies. If you would help someone genuinely, then in return they would also help you, plus you would get the sense of happiness for helping someone. 

Let's just say there's no monetary value on Steemit and it has become just like Facebook, still people use Facebook to help others and to interact with other without expecting any monetary payment in return.

So, why the same we can't do on Steemit?


Use your Altruism and Be content while you help someone. The satisfaction you get is your reward..!!

Thanks for reading ..!!!

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